
To the best of my knowledge, in the quarter-century since the film’s release, Pitt has yet to be subjected to a similar question. [People]

On the break thing, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the relevant Friends episodes that I can’t accurately recall how that played out. But my interpretation of “taking a break” means you are breaking up most likely with the intention of getting back together or at least revisiting the relationship at a later point.

I’d say no, and leave.

Say you anchored the tent on a nice calm lake—

This product was featured on the CNBC show The Profit. It was originally designed as a fishing platform and had a small motor attached. 

Hi. Without doxxing myself or the NGO, I used to work for a non-profit who received A LOT of money from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. A. LOT.

We were/are able to do massive amounts of work and outreach because of that funding and now there are 4-5 years worth of college graduate cohorts out in the world furthering

The fact that you mention Aziz hurts your cause...perhaps the single moment people tend to pinpoint where #metoo went to far. 

Now playing

So.... is that because of or despite their ad campaign?

So it would be better if Leo were promoting more fossil fuel consumption and claiming that climate change is a hoax and we don’t need to do anything?

Honestly I can’t find it in me to get worked up about it. They traveled on private planes for a couple weeks. This just seems like people getting pissy for the sake of getting pissy about it.

That’s probably true, honestly I don’t follow their movements enough to comment on that. My point was it’s kind of bullshit to lump people who fly privately because of safety (yes safety of the public) to people are just rich and don’t want to fly with the public.

It seems to me that common sense dictates Prince Harry and family requires private travel for safety...

“I am inevitable. The most inevitable. I have the best inevitability.”

Daphne Zuniga, who you may remember from Melrose Place or One Tree Hill, Spaceballs

I’m going reboot the Shakers who believed in celibacy and not having children. And women and men living in separate houses. And making lovely, simple furniture.

Warren has pulled ahead in national polls now, sweeping past Bernie Sanders. She is now in second. Go Liz Go!

That’s a good point about Christian employers vs. non-Christians. If, say, a Muslim-owned business fired someone for being a Christian, Republicans would absolutely hit the ceiling. But legally there’s no justification for viewing that situation differently.

That is NOT too much tuna.

Well, Steve, I don’t want people legislating my pussy that don’t own it, or that don’t know how to use it, or that would never be invited near it.

If unmarried women aren't supposed to be having sex, then who are unmarried men going to have sex with?