
Hasn’t every President had sex with a porn actress when their third wife is recovering from birthing their 5th child. Then paid his lawyer to attempt to hush it up by paying her off.  I’m sure there was an epistle by the Apostle Paul about this.  

This. Human Resources has NEVER been about protecting employees. That is what unions do.

The breakdown of the traditional American family

Get a room, funboys.

Ah. So it’s like when they spent decades complaining about “Political Correctness”, then called for “civility” when they started getting called out in public places?

Sadly — and I don’t wish death and harm on anyone — but nothing will change until CEOs, lobbyists and wealthy political donors are massacred right before they start cutting checks so that the political parties and candidates go unfunded during important elections

if shooting people in video games leads to mass shootings, *why are we still making it so easy for them to buy guns then???*

Reaganomics and most of the Republican platform then and now is based on the idea that if you give people (and corporations are people, remember?) the choice, they will do what is right on their own and find a better, more economical way to do it than if the government forces them to. But all evidence points to the

Clerks sucked

I’m just barely old enough to remember the shitstorm that erupted around that interview. It was a moment of brutal honesty in the aftermath of Watergate, when everyone was wondering if any politicians could be trusted to tell the truth (again, this was 1976 - people were very naive about a lot of things). And here

They’ve always had women and gay writers. In their heyday, the “Playboy Interview” was the gold standard of journalistic interviews. They’ve always taken liberal political stances (including on women’s rights and lgbt rights). The publisher was a woman for over 20 years (Christie Hefner).

Actually, I think the term consensual objectification might be useful in the here and now. This is a world where “thirst trap” means something, and it’s not about dangling a water bottle over a pit of vipers.

Maybe they're still uncomfortable in shoes.

How is anyone surprised that a rich and powerful white man living fifty years ago was racist? I’d be more surprised if you could show me proof that any of them weren’t. 

I heard they pledged Scama Scama Scama.

This isn’t about legitimizing her path to the presidency. It’s about acknowledging that she does something well, and if the frontrunners were smart they would copy some aspects of her approach to messaging on the debate stage. 

She was put on the no-fly list and had an entire secret service investigation into her over this, which is definitely over the top. FWIW, I think she also had to like entirely self-finance and do all the back-end work for this concert special. 

That is Joan Summers of Jezebel’s words/editorialization, not Kathy Griffin’s.

Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, “Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,” he continued. “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.” Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming