
Base it off the awesome 80s cartoon and I’m in.

How a joke is delivered in an Austin powers movie:

I just marvel that Franken’s alleged conduct, if believed, was demonstrably milder than Bret Kavanaugh. And Kavanaugh now enjoys a lifetime appointment on the Court, and a status as a martyr (!!!!) while Franken is a script doctor. We did this to ourselves, people.

He absolutely behaved inappropriately — when he allowed himself to get goaded into resigning without the formal investigation he initially demanded and actually wanted.

Comment from a woman: I suspect he was being an idiot with the photo thing and his ego-induced forwardness, but in the absence of verifiable facts, judgment of his quality as a human should be reserved. Men do idiot things, women do idiot things, we’re all fucking idiots at some point. I’m disappointed in his

Jane Mayer was on Terry Gross recently talking about her piece and while these allegations were coming about at the time, I found it hard to believe about Al Franken being depicted as some habitual sexual predator. It just came out of nowhere with no prior mentions or flags raised among his peers in the past.

I imagine Republicans sit around cackling at how they benefited from the values of liberals while gleefully abandoning all values whatsoever. Liberals completely collapse when accused of wrongdoing, and conservatives don’t even need to try to do right.  Hats off, boys - in your trip to nihilism, you’ve won well. I’m