Texting is a real problem in (what I assume is) Australia. Still love this motorcycle cop video.
Texting is a real problem in (what I assume is) Australia. Still love this motorcycle cop video.
For years now carmakers have been avoiding addressing the Trolley Problem. In the event of an imminent crash, who…
One of the most brilliant, insane and unbelievable races of the year puts crazy overpowered sedans to battle around…
Small cars are supposed to be cheap. If they can’t make them cheap then they won’t be competitive.
This guy is too much. However, disproving his lies won’t change anything. His angry lunatic uneducated supporters will continue to believe the lies.
This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re…
Australian here.
More importantly, here’s what $150M of stealth technology looks like to a $60K MANPAD…
You’re such a Jerry right now
The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”
“2 million dollar prototype” sure is a fancy way of saying 3 year old mothballed concept car.
Take off that stupid ironing board.
“He got what he deserved”
Nope, fuck that truck driver, all the Z was doing was slowing him down. He tried to kill the people in the Z
Looks like a couple of Wiggles exploded inside of it.
This ones better.
NO!!! These things are awful!! The dash is made out of old Japanese periodicals, the performance is just above a Hyundai Scoupe, the steering is numb and jagged, and the pedals are made out of leftover frame material to cut costs! The engine falls out weekly and suspension was tuned by Lotus (not the company, but a…
Norther Bromania