Plot twist: Car thief was the cars real owner.
Plot twist: Car thief was the cars real owner.
It has its affluence.
Darwin’s nights are just so damn nice.
Well I’m definitely looking forward to it.
Australian reporting in.
I’d need to see hard-and-fast, reproducible data
How to do Advertising chapter #3: “When you have nothing”
Maybe you should just avoid the horror genre entirely. Or any adult fiction. Its made of triggers, all of it. And unless something gets really fucked up, it always will be.
Its definitely the self driving behemoth. You can tell by the shape of the cloth.
At a commercial data-center. The costs would pay for itself if you can identify people without long investigations.
Pontiac G8 anyone?
If we had the cameras shutter speed and the cars speed.... and a team of math nerds. I’m sure we could get this.
Maybe this is a concept of theirs. But there will be more, and one will look like a Prius crossed with a model S except a bit ugly.
We had some strong winds this year and my plastic chairs moved. The chaos has no limits.
My love and respect for the art and the passion.
My mad respect for lawyers.
And yet its the best Jalopnik article in months
Profits are not the measure of how good a movie is.
[insert catty comment about my superior tastes]
He’s crying and he’s upset and he’s in the playroom by himself and he just wants to be alone so at that point.