what about double ass?
what about double ass?
No love for the Gigahorse in this thread? The Gigahorse rules.
Its the universe.
I feel nothing
*so far
All the cars automobiles they used to ride across the world in before roads and three digit horsepower. Pretty incredible when you look at the landscapes and distances they covered.
My car has this lever that you turn and the window goes down, its a pretty sweet piece of technology, I expect all cars will have it one day.
I found the best car in Japan.
You would think they could relate to these words, according to the documentary ‘Deliverance’
Maybe if it was black. And completely different.
Absolutely horrible.
Whats it so pissed off about?
And they make us sit though occupational health and safety lectures for office jobs.
honey bees but no dogs? its a pretty random list considering they passed over all those other species of snakes like digite, and tiger for species that are not even fatal like a tarantula.
How quickly people here forget Americas mechanical fuck ups. Like when the Beast broke down in the middle of a parade in front of everyone. And that wasn’t even a prototype.
That does look fun. Too bad I live in a litigious part of the world.
Yeah, odds are next time there wont be an army of cops waiting and everything will default back to the Texas standard murder suicide killing spree.
There is no coming back from that.
So are you going to post a song you like or leave us hanging?
Aston did it.