
Fuck you. 

Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.

You know what else feels like a kick in the eye?

I keep saying that it’s not so much that a racist, sexist, fool like Trump is President, it’s that 60 million people were cool with making a racist, sexist, fool president. Even if he loses the next election and we start to move back towards some semblance of normalcy, those 60 million people will still be here.

Yep, the Bears could use—

very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this 

I don’t think it’s non-PC to call a dumb d-bag a dumb d-bag.

He’s going to get plunked in batting practice tomorrow.

I like that basically every Jamboroo now begins with a lengthy screed on why football is fucking awful.

Drew Magary: Hey, Sicialiano, I’ve got a real fucking problem with your attitude towards NFL football players.

Final score this weekend 4-4.

They helped transform Wrigleyville from a naturally grown douche-bro neighborhood into a boring-as-fuck, cookie cutter, half-mile-long-ESPNZone, douche-bro neighborhood; and it’s amazing how much worse that is. 

It does seem somewhat unfair to bury the guy for shit done as a 16 year old considering what he’s doing now for those kids. I cannot tell you how happy I am to just be old enough that not everyone had a smartphone in their pockets when I was in high school and college.

Most kids are monsters, that's why we don't let them vote or drive or own flamethrowers. Developing a sense of empathy is part of the process of growing up.

poop is funny!

You need to help your grandfather get a life.

I certainly see the appeal of shorter week because right now my only real motivation is to not be hassled by people I work with; that, and the fear of losing my job.