
Given that Crowe's Almost Famous romanticized teenage groupies being used by rock stars, not surprising that this show puts a happy face gloss on roadie life. Several women I know who have traveled with bands say sexual harassment is rife in that environment.

The New Yorker article was a great read—especially loved the part where Elon Musk was miffed that people saw T.J. Miller as a bigger celebrity than him.

Really? Referring to the Comanches as having a "brutal worldview" is both white supremacist and false. Read some real history (not the indoctrination offered by officially approved textbooks) about what white settlers have done—and continue to do—to Natives. White people have been bloodthirsty and downright evil,

I enjoy this show, but wish they'd portray at least one woman of color character as intelligent and honest. Also it's sort of lazy stereotyping that the episode which has the most women of color to date is set in a strip club.

I thought that was at least partly the influence of the brain his assistants served him. Didn't they say it was a man who was biking across the country to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy?

I liked that Jaime called Ilana on her appropriation. But the fact that he did it while performing an intimate physical service for her sort of undermined the whole notion of calling out white privilege.

Completely disagree. Archie Panjabi did a good job with the material she was given. However, the writers seemed to draw on stereotypes of both Asians (mysterious and exotic) and bisexual women (sexually uninhibited but incapable of emotional intimacy) in creating her. The whole notion of "post queer" sounds as bogus

I'd only give this episode a B because there wasn't enough time with Ilana and Abbi together—-their interactions are what make the show great.

His face does look odd. I was wondering whether it was bad facial surgery or if he choose to wear some weird facial prosthetics for the role.

I've read that story several times in multiple LGBT books/magazines/websites, so I think it is true. But I'm not a professional researcher, so I'm not sure how to tell for sure. Either way, I think it could make the basis for a great movie.

I love the story about how, back in the day, that phrase drove investigators from the Navy on a frenzied, futile search for a real life Dorothy whom they imagined could supply the names of gay people in the military.

But if you think about it, the phrase implies that gay men are graceful while hetero men are lumbering clods. One of those insults that reveals a lot about the false construction of what hetero masculinity supposedly means.

Check out the documentary "Rock Hudson's Home Movies" sometime—it looks at the ways his movies simultaneously hid and hinted at Hudson's sexuality.

I found him unappealing in his pretty boy days—but he's looking more bangable now.

But isn't it true in most fiction that a character's flaws drive the action as much as their positive traits?

Had to check IMDb to see if that was really Josh Duhamel in the role of the abuser/bully. Now that he has finally aged out of looking like a vapid pretty boy, he might grow into an effective character actor.

My impression was that Edith was still trying to work up the courage to tell Bertie about her daughter. In their last conversation before he left, she said something to effect that they could never know whether or not she would have told him. Given how severely that era condemned the notion of "out of wedlock"

I'm a woman. So your entire rant (like the previous one) only serves to show how far you have pushed your cranium up your rectum. Don't bother to reply—I certainly won't bother to read it if you do—just go away until your brain is not in such close proximity to your lower intestines.

Amazing how completely you project your own personal relationship issues
and misogyny onto the plot. It's not all about you, not all about "men
like myself." Snce you describe
Jane's current situation living with her mother and grandmother as "grrl power" would you view a multi-generational male household as

How is setting a cat on fire not violent? Isn't animal torture one of the signs of a psychopath?