
I think the Velveeta comparison is too harsh. More like a good cheddar. The show delivers excellent cheesy fun, in the same way that Xena Warrior Princess or Forever Knight used to back in the 90s. The worst Z Nation ever does is make me roll my eyes, whereas Walking Dead either bores me or depresses me.

Found it disappointing that the show implied that no woman but Peggy can withstand Stark's charms. The stereotype of the irresistible playboy is tiresome, not to mention misogynist.

It's a little weird that she talks about herself in the third person

It's incredibly irritating that Julian Fellowes deliberately makes Miss Bunting, the one vocally liberal character, such a rude person. Meanwhile, the faults of the upper class characters are softened. The show's biggest snob gets the wittiest lines. Downtown Abbey would be much better if it were written by someone

What kind of inept witches were the 1919 batch to off a serial killer and fail to exorcise his ghost?

Did anyone else think that Madison isn't really the new Supreme? I think it will turn out to be one of the others. Although I also think Madison will probably come back in some form, whether as a ghost or whatever.

I'd have thought Fox and its ilk would like the zombie genre. After all, the people who would naturally triumph in a zombie apocalypse world would likely be preppers and gun collectors.

Does anyone know if this is going to be available for streaming? I watched the first two seasons that way (season 1 for free at the FX website, season 2 on Amazon) but haven't seen any sign of this coming up online. I'd hate to wait a year until the DVD comes out—but I also would hate to pay for cable.

I must have missed something in an early episode. Why didn't the police know the story behind Jack's conviction before he told them? Wouldn't there be records of the specifics of his conviction?

If you live in a small town, or even a mid-size city in a red state, you probably underestimate the percentage of queer people around you. So many remain at least semi-closeted when living in area lacking state or municipal laws against housing or job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender

Ah, so there's representation of the male segment of the queer demographic.

Seriously this. Does AV even have any writers who represent any portion of LGBT?

Is this going to be (legally) available anywhere online for those of us without cable?

Please explain what you think was "well-reasoned" about Gaiman's explanation for why a woman should not play the Doctor right now. I read the blog entry and he offers basically one pathetic sentence dismissing the notion.

The way that scene with her friends played out, it seemed as if they were just humoring her. I had the impression her notion of herself as a faith healer was rooted in pure ego.

Love how Orange includes such a wide range of woman characters. I can't think of any other show past or present including such a broad spectrum of ages, body types and races. Plus it's only the second show (to my knowledge; the other one being Elementary) to have an actual transwoman playing a trans character. Even