Jaycie Victory

I thought that at first but came to the conclusion that since the ring says "SON" rather than "SONS" it's supposed to symbolise that Abel gets to just be a son. Rather than a Son of Anarchy.

Happy was a Hell's Angel and consultant? Ugh, that's even more disturbing. I keep seeing Happy's sadistic relish when SAMCRO burned the tattoo off that guy's back.

And he made excuses for a rapist in this episode. That really surprised me. Made me side-eye his past again and wonder what he may have done while an addict.

He was. One of Phoebe's short lived relationships. He was a food inspector and Phoebe loved that he'd just shut places down (she found it hot) until he went after Central Perk…

Now. Drop. Your. Sword.

Now. Drop. Your. Sword.

Yeah, I wondered that after I wrote it… problem is, it really doesn't translate well onscreen. The longer it goes on, the more unlikeable it will make him.

I thought so, too. That moment and the moment he wakes up and chats with Peyton he's subtly different. Shades of bad!Blaine.

No, I thought the same. David Anders tone is different when he's bad!Blaine, and there were one or two moments this episode where that tone crept in. I think he's slowly regaining his memories but genuinely likes Peyton.

Nice. I agree.

I would like to hear your take on him…?


It's kind of weird - the first answer seemed very clearly to say, "Well, in the future if we are writing while airing, public feedback may have a bearing on what happens, but everything was done and dusted with this season before it went to air". But then Amy starts speaking and talks about male and female responses

I think the thing I love most about LaToya's reviews is how she continually calls out Dawson Leery, and by extension, Archie, for the petty, vindictive, selfish and inexplicably venerated character he was. It is deeply satisfying to my Creeker-Pacey-loving soul. I hope they course correct with Archie - or even better

*whispers* I loved Waterworld. Rewatched it several times. Still love it. *slinks away*

Very late to the table but feeling many things having watched the finale for the first time…

But isn't there a POV from Ned in the books where he ponders on Arya' resemblance to Lyanna and how she will grow into her looks just as her aunt did? It's been so long since I read them but I swear there was something because I remember thinking, "Oh, right, so Arya's actually going to grow up to be a beauty, albeit

These comments are nowhere near the level of offensiveness and ignorance needed to constitute a Youtube thread. There is still something approaching civility on both sides and people substantiating their claims with actual sources.

This is so cool. Keep up the good work :)

Sounds exhausting but rewarding! What kind of stuff comes out of the fora from the guys/girls? Anything surprise you?