Jaycie Victory

I would love to hear more about this. Sounds fascinating.

Yes, the juxtaposition of Frank and Finn's reactions towards their children's deaths was deliberately contrasted, but it wasn't quite as black and white as you make out in your review - Finn caresses his son's head and the coffin he then knocks over contains a completely different person: the underling who lost his

UGH. What a waste!!!

"Caroline’s story remains one of the weaker things of the season, but her call with Klaus is honestly one of the best things she’s gotten to do in ages. It’s probably not great for the show that Candice Accola and Joseph Morgan showed more chemistry over the phone than Accola does with Paul Wesley this season in

One of the few things that can still rouse emotion from Stefan - and Paul Wesley. A threat to Damon.

This amuses me because the default term in the UK is Fizzy Drink. Even the Government health warnings call it that. "Do not consume too many fizzy drinks."

So much so I was convinced they were building to one of them dying unexpectedly and then turning zombie at the most inopportune moment. Turns out it's just a weird make-up choice??

The thing I love about The Walking Dead is that its mid-season finales always leave you on the edge of your seat, gasping in shock and amazement at what has happened.

It REALLY bothered me that they just stood there for a good ten seconds with vaguely horrified expressions whilst he died a slow and agonising death and then were like, "Oh - we better go". Seriously?! You could have mercy killed him about three times over by now! Grrr.

Caitlin was great in this episode. Oddly, I seem to find her more convincing/compelling as a character when she's NOT interacting with canon love interests.

They did? When did the writers say that? (That they haven't decided who's in the grave. Got a source?)

Definitely. I very much took their exchange to mean that: where Sasha doesn't deny Abraham's reading that she's attracted to him but responds by pointing out he's got some things to sort out and Abraham laughs and agrees. I actually really enjoyed that moment - the actress's delivery of the line with folded arms,

When we stayed on the road with them so long at the end, I was sure of it.

Was anyone else freaking out MORE once Abraham calmed down and stopped trying to reach past the impaled Walker? Maybe the show has turned its back on this mythology but I have never forgotten what it originally stated the rules are: if you get bit or scratched by a walker, it's game over. That Walker had free run to

Whilst reading this comment, for a moment I forgot Andrew Garfield played Spidey and was like, "Spiderman was in that CGI cat movie?!".

I really like Patty. She's grown on me really quickly. There is something very engaging about the actress, and she and Grant Gustin genuinely seem thrilled to be around each other in their scenes.

Was anyone else painfully distracted by how bad Jessie's son's hair is? Vulcan meets lego character. The bowl cut lives.

Oh, that makes sense.

I thought this was a fantastic episode. Taut and tense despite the outcome being inevitable and resonating with earned emotion. Beautiful.

I so want to believe this theory but…. there was the repeated wife comments, there was him staring at Hershel's watch, and there was the callback to this first meeting with Rick when he said, "Good luck, dumbass". That's quite a bit of telegraphing :( Argh. I don' want it to be true!