@Hyperion45: I was hoping @tok1879 would have seen it, he was asking about Tim from Braid. More of a 2-birds, 1 stone answer, but cince you can't use 2 @ replies in the same post, and I didn't want to double post, I threw it in there :D
@Hyperion45: I was hoping @tok1879 would have seen it, he was asking about Tim from Braid. More of a 2-birds, 1 stone answer, but cince you can't use 2 @ replies in the same post, and I didn't want to double post, I threw it in there :D
@Batman: Damn, coulda sworn that was him, just crouched at an awkward angle. Considering that this is only all-new characters from the last 10 years, and Snake being around since before then, he's not eligible to be in it.
@Juan29.zapata: It's like Uno all over again...
@IamTheS: You have to admit he was well used here. I would have expected the Pointer Fish.
@Hyperion45: The little guy in the suit is Tim from Braid (hence the eggtimer on the bar), and the girl behind him is The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3.
@Flare5X: Snake's hiding between Ezio and John Marston, I do believe. His Octacamo seems to be failing him a bit.
The opening picture really says it all when it comes to people arguing and counterarguing down here in the comments. Great choice Owen.
@Twanzio: A re-release of The Day After Tomorrow would be cataclysmic.
I'm surprised that "The Mouth Of The South" didn't get the chance to use that famous mouth and get in on the rapping action.
@SuprShin: But you have to admit, properly-polished shit does kinda look awesome at the same time.
@Doctor Pika of Chu: Yep, crazy sales, and Valve first-party games are all I'm going to buy on it from here on out.
@samaside: Yeah it's absolutely brutal here compared to buying online from elsewhere. I only buy in shops now on the rare occasion that my friends are having a meet-up on launch day and we all go back to one of our places for multiplayer or something like that. Otherwise, it's always buying online.
The first thing I wondered when watching this is why Miis were appearing on an iPhone. Then why their mouths weren't moving. Fingers crossed this trailer's a ridiculously early cut and actually get some proper talking heads before it ships.
Kaz Yamauchi could use another Coors.
@D-K: If GoldenEye Wii's gunning for 4-player split-screen, I don't see how it wouldn't work for The Conduit 2 too. Aside from the glaringly obvious cries of screenwatching, which, let's face it, every split-screen versus game is going to have.
@Zidago: I honestly don't know. That being said, I've seen very little of them myself. Not since they done the Metal Gear Solid and GTA3 limited edition minifigs anyway. Then again, Lego dominates the European market, so I'd never see Kubricks in shops here anyway.
@ttocs: I'm just surprised it took this long to get on Kotaku, I seen this pic about 2/3 months ago floating around the tips box here, also linked to Engadget. Not to mention over on Gizmodo too.
As much as I have an undying hate for Zynga (despite admittedly playing one or two of their games, not spent a dime on either), the guy's got a pretty good point. The dawn of MMO games is here, and we're able to play with and against any number of people from around the world, meaning any game now can be seen as a…