
@Grimueax: Last time I saw them, Lee (the pizza delivery guy from the movie) was the Devil. He was also The Metal dressed as a robot, did they do that this time?

Aw man, they done the W/Lizard act again? I saw them in 2008 and they done it then too. Good to hear some new material's been made and worked on though!

Not that much of a pipe dream, I'd bet. Sure it looks crazy, all concept cars do (remember the Nike ONE from GT4?), but I'd say certain elements could carry over to, say, a Le Mans class racer.

@dartingd: You are aware that if you buy it new, then you're unaffected and all you have to do is enter an access code, right?

Just do what Sony done with Ad-Hoc Party and region lock it down. I can't play with Japanese or American people with Freedom Unite, and clearly mark my game rooms with English language only tags so no foreign folks come in on my mic and I won't have a damn clue what they were saying.

@Ingram_AV_98: Was it the same Eurogamer Expo that I went to where nobody had a single damn iota on how to use the brakes? If yes, then I'm inclined to agree with you.

@Robert Lee: One small town. Four survivors. Lots of duct tape.

@Blore07: I played it too, to a point where I was told to slay 50 goblins to continue. They kept pouring in, next thing I know I've killed 3 times that amount, a booth rep telling me to get off cause I was there for ages, and not a single indicator telling me where to go despite literally trying to go everywhere.

I saw these guys supporting Metallica in 2008. They were better than Metallica.

@HatchC2: The only NBA games I've ever played were the original Jam (not sure if it was TE or not, too far back, foggy memory), Total NBA 97 (I only remember the box being ball-textured on the front tbh, pictured), Live 2003, and NBA Street Homecourt. Live 03 was alright, but wasn't really my cup of tea.

Wow, you guys will shoehorn an $ into any name that fits the bill, won't you? :/

@viciousarcanum: I should have said that saying that would have been from the perspective of those that haven't played it and have nothing to base their accusations on, sorry.

@ElephantFace: I'm tempted to shell just to play it again. I played it at Eurogamer last week and was actually surprised at how good it was. Then again I never even played Assassins Creed 2 so the game improvements were ten-fold to me anyway. Might have to borrow off a friend and get up to speed with it if I do decide

@Revere55: Eh.. what? You know, Ubisoft are getting no money from PS+ membership fees, and the beta's free. It's Sony that you pay the PS+ fees to, so how does that make Ubisoft the greedy ones?

@Adham94: I've played it and it actually works out really well. Everyone's gonna say it's just shoehorned in like Uncharted 2, but give it a chance and let it surprise you.

@Gargus: Seems like a Crackdown/Halo 3 kinda thing about to happen here. Most that bought Crackdown, did for the Halo demo. Although afterwards, they found out that Crackdown itself was a pretty awesome game on its own merits. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Zone of the Enders/Metal Gear Solid 2 a bit

@comtar: I think most of us said the same thing to be honest, Brian got blasted quite heavily for claiming that the game was deliberately hard when going solo. Dex just put it better than everyone else, so I tipped in, and the rest, as they say, is history.

@cfive3: They didn't announce it at all. The booth was just there as you went in, nobody knew about it beforehand except Gearbox themselves (I don't even think the event staff or organisers even knew DNF was going to be there, just an unannounced exclusive Gearbox game)

Not fair... How come Amsterdam got some Duke and London didn't? :(

@PJ Edwards: I want a CE with a time capsule full of things from 1997, so that we might be able to get nostalgic for a bit about what we were doing when it was first announced.