Sips’ Skyrim Let’s Play (over 100 eps so it’s a great one to marathon in the background). His weird little improv moments and relaxed pace make the whole thing an addictive watch.
Sips’ Skyrim Let’s Play (over 100 eps so it’s a great one to marathon in the background). His weird little improv moments and relaxed pace make the whole thing an addictive watch.
I was about to ask if you were in the Bella household with that last one.
I'm loving the easter eggs of this show! Chloe pressing 2-4-9 on a door keypad (24, season 9 ha ha ) and that IP ADDRESS!!! That was aswesome! Chloe gives Jack a secure "IP address" with value: 2.718.281.828. Anyone with basic knowledge on networking knows that this is not a valid IP. A bit of googling shows this is…
I've been playing this on my iPad since this summer. They have raised prices three times since I started playing it. Currently you have goblins that do your tasks and the more you have the longer and faster their speedup on a given task is. I haven't spent a penny on it because I'm American and downloaded this off…
[googles 'black POV blasts']
Bless my fandom...bless it to bits, you obsessive beautiful bastards.
Cause he representing the the common man vs. the system (Vince)
He was far a superior technical wrestler as Stunning Steve Austin but his leg injuries gimped him later on in his career.
And that's the bottom line.........
Sooooooo, kickstarter is around in order to get games (and other projects) funded as a way of avoiding the publisher, thus ensuring that the creator has full creative control of their product and isn't under the tyrannical whims of a dictative publisher
Buuuuttttt, without the publisher around to enforce strict…
The OUYA is, and has always been a piracy console. No one cares about it, the thing has been doomed to failure as an underpowered box that is mostly good for playing 16-bit and under games on. It's the same as the people who howl about "homebrew" on their modern consoles. No one actually wants that (and by no one, I…