
@DoctorBlue: April 1st 2010 IS a Friday. That's why my hopes for an April Fools' release (at least here in Europe) are still strong.

@WolfRogers: Richard Jacques? Yeah he's pretty good, but as far as I know all the talks were 45 minutes. I only got to RAGE this evening and it had to finish early because of the nonexistent Underground strike (I got home on the Tube all right anyway) but as a precaution I suppose it is understandable really.

I hope this isn't true. April 1st is a Friday, which is European Games Release Day of The Week. It'd be PERFECT if it came out then.

@mehall: I'm adding Doom 4 into this list, though today at Eurogamer Tim Willits did say that he couldn't talk about it but it is being worked on by a small team, which will be joined by more people as Rage nears completion and staff are reallocated.

@WolfRogers: I LOVED the Rock Band 3 booth, and yeah Bohemian Rhapsody, Free Bird and whatever the hell Paramore song on the game. were always going to be played to death. Can't see myself liking the Pro Guitar though. I could get acclimatised to it eventually but having buttons instead of strings, and 17 frets

Just back from Eurogamer Expo, where I fulfilled my life long dream of being a Ticker in Gears of War 3. Oh yes.

@vanillakokakola: By coming on here and establishing yourself as a gamer, don't go for corny genero-gamer ringtones such as the Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare or the MGS Codec. If you're ever at games conventions, it's a nightmare when you hear it and about 5000 people all check their phones at the same time because

@Milo Corkey: I literally just played it at Eurogamer Expo and it feels just like Fallout 3 did, right down to animals glitching inside walls. Not very impressed :( Although the Grenade Machinegun was very fun to use indoors!

@Mr [Awesome] Pie!: What worries me is that these gamers told each other how to exploit the glitch first instead of telling Bungie that it exists and they gotta fix it. This is why betas should be given to people that prove themselves with consistent feedback, and not just any John Doe.

@p8ntballnxj: I'm uh... not sure if I should mention that that isn't icing...

@Outi: People only don't like Dan because he's seen as the series' "joke character" - a Bonus-kun, if you will. I rather enjoy playing as Dan though, there's something about his oft-misplaced swagger I like. And of course, the sweet sweet rage from Akuma players when you pull the wool over their eyes by actually being

@no computers in texas: That was posted this week though. Any sent in should be in the pool for next week.

@Female Orca: I haven't played co-op whatsoever and, aside from a few obvious errors of judgment as to what camouflage and weapons to bring on missions, I got on just fine, so I don't know whether Crecente was just a bad shot and misplaced most of his ammo when he kept running out.

@Papsky: Holy cow, is that Ho-Oh from Pokemon Gold???

@BattleMoose87: Yo can buy tickets at [expo.eurogamer.net] and they're £8 per day. Saturday's a total sellout, and they're starting to run out of Sunday tickets, so if you're planning on going, now's the time to do so.

Any Britlandish/European folk planning to go to the Eurogamer Expo in London this weekend? We should get a Kotaku meetup or something arranged on the fly.

@Andrew Wyatt: With headphones in, it changes the EQ settings when tapped, without, nothing. Holding it in for a few seconds mutes the PSP.

Just get Uwe Boll to do it and have it over with. We know it's going to be as garbage as the games are anyway, just put the damn thing out of it's misery.