
@mrClint: We're always willing to welcome guest articles over at Press X Or Die, we could put it up and publicise it for you (fully credited, of course). We don't pay though, if that'd kinda put you off. Give this page a look and you can e-mail it in to us if you want.

I'm awfully sorry for laughing the whole way through reading this article Owen.

@HatchC2: I sometimes pick crap teams in NHL GM mode and try to get them good. This year's is a lot harder to do it in, I get absolutely killed in special teams, some of the tripping penalties are ridiculous non calls and the player doesn't even go to ground..

@Eskintoro: It's much like the way games were in the 80s when it'd be made in its entirety by about only 5 people. The guy with the idea got his name on it, but others usually got their fair share of credits too, most of the time on the title screen of all places.

@AttackAllAround: I'm not. My ex-girlfriend LOVED them, and would make me listen to them on a semi regular basis. So I know what they're like. That being said, I loved I'm Not OK when it was on Burnout 3. The rest of their stuff was about as draining as listening to Linkin Park's 3rd album. :/

@Maxjes: My first game was Chase HQ. Lo-res Vice cops chasing lo-res supercars, all in monochrome? This is why I'm totally going to nostalgia when I get Need For Speed Hot Pursuit later this year.

@fanboyps3: I'd have said VP of the Jedi Council, myself!

Quite good, but it's no Kevin Skybutler.

@Tebasaki: This. I keep all my games in a CD wallet anyway so the art's not going to make one iota of a difference. I'm just happy it's coming out and remastered, because I was an idiot that passed on these the first time of asking.

@flox44: *removes hat, places on chest, moment's silence*

@Degeiz: Oh god I remember them hits like they were yesterday. 2001 had them as well, and they were that fun to watch and do that they're probably a big reason why I wound up buying the games to begin with.

@Degeiz: YES. Really disappointed that so far the only games with GameFace are FIFA and Tiger Woods (iirc). I used it with FIFA and was rather surprised that it actually comes out rather well when it's done.

What I notice a lot of people in the comments below saying, was something I brought up on the Kotaku podcast a few weeks ago when you had one of the Madden developers in.

@-MasterDex-: Just a question: which Khezu, and what weapon/armour?

@Taggart451: This. 1000000x THIS. As well as that, Ad-Hoc Party is region-specific like ModNation Racers (I think..), EU with EU, US with US, etc. Kinda annoying.

@Clive Bavels: Not to mention the more recent and high-grossing Expendables, but apparently you can't mention it round here or the Scott Pilgrim fans will drive you out.

@Kaonazhie: That's about all I remember from Modern Warfare 2, only it was Foley telling Ramirez to do everything. :/

@-MasterDex-: I wouldn't hold out for much. Same old shooty-shooty-bang-bang, only without a controller in your hand.

It's time to kick ass and eat pizza... and I'm... all stocked up on pizza?

@ryosen: You're welcome! I found it by accident earlier when just mucking about in the App Store, figured, hell, why not tip it in?