@martinmchendry: Because one's just as shit as the other for actually reporting news.
@martinmchendry: Because one's just as shit as the other for actually reporting news.
@Daobaz: By that logic GTA4 is 1/3 of the game because you have to buy The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony separately.
@Hello Mister Walrus: I think that after 13 years the spoiler embargo has well and truly passed on Final Fantasy 7.
@mindsale: His likeness will also have a 5 second cameo in which he is mistaken for another celebrity.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Can't say I have seen the prices for E3. Not being a member of the gaming press (blogging doesn't count), it's none of my interest really to know how much it is to get into a press-only show. I do know that it's quite a pricey sum though, but money that's easily recuperated in potential…
On a more serious note.. Wow, I never thought it'd come down to robbing banks to be able to afford to go to Comic Con.
@El_Mexicutioner: Especially if they toss in a smoke grenade after and next thing all you see is Vader emerging from the cloud.
This wasn't the real Darth Vader.
@ttocs: Those carp can be pretty dangerous creatures you know!
@Sippin: A year? More like a few weeks, unless you imported really early. It's only been out in Europe natively for almost a month. Came out the same week MGS Peace Walker did, iirc.
@Aradiel: In a way, you're right. After all, it's a music game, so the background graphics are never going to be the prime attraction. Guess I shouldn't have been so harsh.
As much as I love Rush, I'm calling Lifeson out for daring to say that this game looks great, because from where I sit, the graphics haven't changed an awful lot over the past year or 2.
It feels bad, knowing GameStop Ireland won't ever get any of the pre-order bonuses GameStop USA get. Hopefully those tracks will be available as DLC, because I love that New Order track.
@lonewanderer: 100% agreed, it was what brought me back to this post, as I didn't want to post it in that thread because it's not the place for that kinda talk.
@BillyMurdock: You seem to be forgetting Diablo 2 and 3, Warcraft 3 and WoW. I don't think they'd have started StarCraft 2 development immediately after StarCraft 1 hit shelves you know. After all, it was a first in the series for them, they probably didn't know how it would have fared in the market, or known if it…
@HBK_23: Promoted for the Sega Saturn Blimp that appears right at the very end. And that being one of my favourite moments win the WWF/E.
Looks like the press conference is getting a bad reception.
You hear that? That's the sound of everyone backing up their games to flash carts and selling the legit copies back to GameStop since they don't need them any more!
@Krakenstein: I was totally expecting him to change to Bionic Commando when he fell off the cabinet :(
@Tanya DePass: Isn't Twitter all about stalking though? I mean, I'm pretty sure Felicia Day, Conan O'Brien and the guy from the Old Spice adverts couldn't give a crap about whether or not I can see their tweets, they reveal parts of their lives that we wouldn't know otherwise, all voluntarily. So pretty much that…