
Shamelessly borrowed from Kotaku commenter Dinoczar, who posted it on the Kotaku article of the same subject matter.

@MailOrderNinja: Much Flavor-Aid has been drank on their parts. As long as they don't force another generation into their beliefs then it will soon die out.

@jezzarisky: Congratulations, you've called at least half of the internet morons. And you're absolutely tight to do so.

Guess Tim's trying to make it Quadruple Fine now!

@Akrid: You'd have had me at just IK+. Adding Yie-Ar King Fu just made your argument better ad infinitum. Loved that game.

@Nehle: MUGEN's not even a game, it's an engine. That's like saying Source is a game, or Havok is a game.

I don't think it advertises the validity of the article too well when you use a pic from the Rejects pile as your lead-in :D Still would love to know how the hell they managed to pull Kanye West from Nathan Drake though..

Now playing

@PiccoroDaimaoh: They had it in GT4 didn't they? They had orchestral intro and merged it into Kasabian's Reason Is Treason in the European Intro, think it was Van Halen's Panama in the US. The rock version was in the menus to be listened to though. Definitely a great tune.

@ara: That's what I'd have called it too.

Looks like Paul The Psychic Octopus can't take all the media plaudits now, eh?

@HatchC2: Boom. I'll shout whenever I see you online next, I think I've already added you anyway.

@HatchC2: We never did get round to that match you challenged me to that time. If you're still floating around here, up for it? I've an hour to kill before I go see Predators, although I have heard quite a few unsavoury reviews of it.

If you're moving out of Colorado, does that mean the clock on the corner won't say Denver any more?

@AcidSnake: It's been known that GT5 will have elements of NASCAR and WRC in it since last year's E3. And yes, that was Jeff Gordon's car. :D

@Chicken Pawks: I got MGS Peace Walker from Amazon at £18 quid 2 weeks after it was released. It was €35 at my local GameStop on UMD and €32 on PSN for download.

@SteamPunkJin: I (along with others) asked about it in the open thread yesterday, and I think that it could be coming in with the upgraded commenting system towards the end of the summer. Can't guarantee it though obviously, because I'm on this side of the fence and Gawker IT are on the other. :D