
@Manly McBeeferton: If it cuts the size of his articles in half too, I'm sure many will be OK with it. (I'm joking obviously)

@WildWon: As do I. But damn that image always gets me :(

The argument was brought up before, if I remember rightly, about fair trade in games, although it was the games themselves, rather than the consoles, and working conditions as opposed to war. I think the point still stands to an extent though.

"hangs the browser long enough for [a] timeout to trigger and kill it".

I'm not clued up on the NFL, football, or its games a hell of a lot, but is this saying that if you've got a clear streak to the end zone the game basically turns into NFL Street for a few seconds? Man that was a hilarious game to play.

@ibro911: Oddly, when searching images for Snake Eater, this isn't what I had in mind...

@simply_androoo: I remember reading in an old PlayStation magazine promo for Snake Eater that it tastes a little like pork. Can't for the life of me find it online though.

@Biokinetica: Spoiler theory: He wanted Starkiller to escape on purpose so he could finish him himself in grander fashion.

@jandlecack: To tell you the truth I'd have actually picked Sorcery, the seemingly lone new IP at Sony's press conference.

Chuck's Ducks? Wouldn't it have been better if it was called Quackdown instead? Or am I too late for that joke?

He really needs to step up his game.

@Mad_Mulatto: I think you're going to need a lot more help than just God. After all, vampires and werewolves weren't exactly his line of work.

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: You can subscribe to get a "radio player" of sorts that plays new music you haven't heard, based on what you already have on your account (it plugs into WMP, iTunes, WinAmp amongst a few others and takes play counts from there), but that as far as I know is all you

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Listen to what you enjoy on your laptop, and use an external plug-in service like Last.FM or Spotify (I don't know if Spotify has a plug-in to any media players since it's not available in Ireland yet.. clarification anyone?) to find similar artists based on your

@Robert Kotick: I hear the going rate on US Soccer teams is going up. Invest early before the national team get REALLY GOOD in 2014!