you are a racist shit
you are a racist shit
quit fucking crying cuck
Immersive sims are by far my favorite genre, and I thought Nu Thief was pretty terrible. I think that’s largely due to publisher meddling though.
Lol what? Their last game was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which was an absolutely excellent game. Thief was their only recent game that wasn’t excellent, and that was largely due to publisher meddling.
While the Tomb Raider games are pretty good, it frustrates me to no end that the studio who owns the IP to 2 of the greatest immersive sims ever is being forced to work on this instead. At least this is a game I will like, but my god, making freaking Guardians of the Galaxy bullshit instead of another Deus Ex? What an…
my god you fucking whine about everything. You won’t be happy until there is a game where a gay transgendered disabled black Japanese Islamic woman menstruates all over big bad white man
Not sure how she made money from doing that, as she is rather fat and ugly.
Man this makes me love this game even more. SJWs are fucking stupid, and i love to see someone publicly not back down from their bullshit.
Not a level in the traditional sense, but it has to be the bank in Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I’ve never seen such an immaculately designed level.
keep crying
Yeah sorry but his video wasn’t remotely a big fucking deal at all. When you commit suicide in a public setting, you lose all right to not be in a video.
Fuck off dumbass. Learn science.
My top 7, which are the only 7 games I played this year:
Vice President Helicopter is the fucking greatest thing I’ve ever seen.
They are only moderately similar, but this reminded me a little bit of the probably silently cancelled Hellraid game that looked awesome.
I bought 15 games yesterday. I also still have a backlog of about 60 games prior to adding those 15.
This is absolutely ignorant drivel. Not everything is a vehicle for your agenda. It’s a video game, not a thesis on race relations. Jesus christ.
He’s completely right.
Where does it ever say that the alleged harasser was a man? Or are we just assuming that only men can be sexual abusers and harassers?