My god, you all think literally every single thing is racist. Vote for Obama because he’s black? That’s totally fine, and it’s what you should do. Don’t vote for Obama, and do so for reasons that have nothing to do with racism? Racist!
My god, you all think literally every single thing is racist. Vote for Obama because he’s black? That’s totally fine, and it’s what you should do. Don’t vote for Obama, and do so for reasons that have nothing to do with racism? Racist!
racists don’t upset me, they just amuse me when i remember hell was made for them
they should also make u a cuck
sorry ur pissed that u suck at making money. I’ll give you $1
Mei is fat
I signed up to receive email notifications from both Amazon AND Best Buy when the item became available. Seeing this story at almost noon now, this is the first I heard about the pre-orders going live. Just went back to check my emails and sure enough, neither of those fucking places emailed me.
And you are a black supremacist. Also, a god awful writer who would be unemployed if the media cared more about talent than about being leftist extremists.
gender fluidity is mental illness though. Psychiatry > psychology
Difference between being a bigot and recognizing mental illness.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, transgenderism is a mental illness. That’s a literal fact. Science and medicine are impartial and don’t fall for SJW bullshit.
as soon as you say T-shirt like everybody else and not tee shirt which isn’t a thing...
racist trash, yet again
So basically, your criteria for something being “lit” or not comes down to: do black people get money from this? You are racist trash.
I would say I hope you had fun posting ignorant shit on my comments today, but that would be a lie. You’re clearly an idiotic, hateful piece of shit, so I hope you had a terrible day and will continue to have many terrible days. With your sunny disposition and high IQ, I’m quite sure that you will!
As a 29 year old gamer, this is why I’m thankful I don’t really like online multiplayer games that much. Give me a good Deus Ex or Dishonored or Witcher, where I don’t have to worry about playing all the time, or playing at certain times, or having friends playing at the same time as me, or worry about whatever TF the…
fuck you dipshit racist
That’s pretty damn sexist
muh white men exploiting muh blacks
The NFL is awesome, Kaepernick is a dips hit who also sucks at football and is hella racist, and The Root isn’t even worthy of eating shit.