Jay Blantz

please don't watch dexter let it die

season 2 of the borgias is far and away better than season 2 of game of thrones imeho

pee is better than poop

yelling and using invective is the only way to wiin arguments i don't know wtf kind of debate team you were on

you son of a bitch i wasn't going to reply to this but it's been eating away at me for like 2 days

the natives would've absolutely wrecked the europeans if 90+% of their population wasn't destroyed by smallpox

matchstick men was alright i guess

that said greyhound has free wifi and lots of legroom and seats that recline pretty far and smoke breaks every couple of hours. it beats the shit out of flying for comfort.

greyhound is extremely cheap if you buy your tickets a month+ in advance and are only traveling to the next state. like you can get round trip tickets from houston to dallas for something like $30 for 2 adults if you pay in advance and have a promo code.

you're thinking of research that helps people. research that allows you to eat processed food without gagging, stuff like that, is well funded by private industry.

this is my fetish now

that dude was actually pretty tame, lazy almost

bunch of stuffy pearl clutching crybabies itt amirite scrawler do you feel me

yeah but there were no spell combos. gotta have my storm of the century.

i straight up cried when they SPOILERS killed julius ceasar. everything about that scene is heartbreaking, moreso because the blocking and the dialogue were taken directly from the historical account: julius crawling, trying to hide his face as he bled to death slowly from 20+ stab wounds. very sad, heartfelt show.

lol sounds like somebody got ploughed like a whoreson

sure yeah endless waves of trash mobs those are fun as heck

not even slightly. she's a psychopath or malignant narcissist (aspd/npd)

the viewpoint is consistently trying to engage with the perspective of a total creeper and anyone who received any kind of dramatic catharsis from the first 9 episodes is probably someone you don't want to leave alone with children or pets imo
