Jay Blantz

fargo the movie: people who do evil are pathetic and suffer for it

the difference is that true detective often sounds like it was written by an adult with a working knowledge of human beings and fargo reads more like it was written by a really fuckin creepy 12 year old.

what a goddamn chode

lol no

i am extremely relieved to know that i am not alone

goddamn is the hyper competent uber badass godlike psychopath character played out as all fucking get out

i mean i don't wanna just shit on the thing it had nice camera work and good performances by great actors but goddamn the writing is bad and the characters are just moronic retreads of better ideas explored with actual wit and grace by writers with actual talent.

are y'all fucking kidding me

good golly is this show a piece of rank garbage. pretty ashamed of the reviewers and commenters generally, because this show is a heroes-level turd with a big budget and an a list cast.

i cringed so hard that my face collapsed, so thanks for that i guess.

you shoehorned the godawful word mansplain into this comment twice and neither time was it contextually appropriate. please go jump in a lake.

more than anything it is my affection for av club's old heroes reviews that keep me coming back to this site. i hope the producers are able to capture that certain spirit the latter seasons of heroes had

i only give 110% coach

i agree, if they were just going to pull the plug on her to motivate will then they at least could've given her the same benefit of the doubt they gave to will and jack - that they're very smart people who were outsmarted by someone of superhuman intelligence.

biologically will and jack have the best chance of surviving. alana probably has a broken back and ruptured organs, abigail had her throat cut by an expert. will is going to be shitting in a bag probably but he'll be alright for at least an hour or two and jack's wound is pretty awful but it looked like the glass when

i thought it was extremely ridiculous that miriam just disappears after she shoots chilton

you like just met her. don't be so frightened of change. she was right, that mutilating a corpse and covering up a killing were an abuse of jack's powers. she just doesn't know she lives in a fantasy universe where killers can do magic which is to me sympathetic and understandable.

there's no way will will have trouble convincing anyone that hannibal is a bad man now, what with all the bleeding witnesses and whatnot

my money is on them shooting in northern ireland along with game of thrones and vikings. i would love to see hannibal's murders thematically linked to classic and medieval irish history and folklore. chillin in castles, stabbin folk, binding books with their skin like in the goode olde dayes.

eh. she got a total of like 4 minutes of screentime this season. they could easily expand her character into someone more interesting.