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    No. Just no. Johnson was not qualified. Johnson supported a 23% national sales tax and getting rid of income and capital gain taxes, which grossly favors the rich. When one interviewer pointed out that the plan is NOT revenue neutral, Johnson said we shouldn’t “get into the weeds here.” He also wanted to abolish

    Greys went SO far off the rails. I’ve watched it since the beginning so I almost feel like I HAVE to see it through. But it is a ridiculous show. Like, I’m sorry, but how many young super hot lesbian surgeons can there possibly BE in the Seattle area??

    HOW could you have been between her and Gary freaking Johnson? Their policy views are completely different.

    Let’s not shit on office workers. They are just as vital to the economy as farmers.  Maybe farmers should stop voting for people like Donald fucking Trump if they want improved income.

    As someone whose boyfriend has thinning hair (in his 20s), I agree with you. Balding is NOT considered desirable by most people, especially when you’re young. I get very defensive about it. Ripping on balding men who have no control over their genetics is just straight up mean and hypocritical for people who preach

    ... I’m just gonna say it. Christianity is a creepy cult. People think scientology and other newer religions are weird, but the stories in the Bible are just as weird; we just think it’s normal because we were raised in it.

    Ratings don’t mean dick when 60+ advertisers pull out.

    Sigh. Has this administration done one single solitary thing that isn’t comically evil?

    Eh, Trump is (somehow?!?!) more popular than Ryan with Republicans at this point. Trying to oust Trump would absolutely ruin Ryan.

    It’s bizarre, isn’t it? By being so blatantly anti-Democrat, you are angering half the electorate.

    LOLed @ radical moronic terrorism. But seriously, you are so right. They are OBSESSED with Obama and put party over country constantly. How anyone can see them as anything other than the petty, self-serving cartoon villains they are is astounding to me.

    Maybe the rise in infant mortality caused an artificial drop in life expectancy for adult males?

    Absolutely false. Nate Silver never indicated the likelihood of a Trump victory was 0%. You are fake news.

    “Nate Silver got the election polls so wrong, and now he’s doing more polls. Don’t believe the #fakenews”

    “No one will blame them if Trump sabotages the ACA.”

    I do generally agree with you, but a small part of me wants Trump to stay in power the rest of his term because I think that would be far worse for the Republican party than a slick talking, more subtly evil President Mike Pence.

    But it’s totally different! Poor innocent Michael Flynn is only seeking immunity because THIS case is a witch hunt.

    So there’s a story going around that Paul Ryan drove off in defeat, the muffled sound of Papa Roach’s “Last Resort” heard blaring from inside the car. It’s giving birth to some glorious tweets.

    Is.. is it happening? Are we sick of the winning yet?