It never ceases to amaze me how different people can have such disparate views of the same situation based solely on partisan politics. And the media outlets they consume, I guess, but those are largely based on partisan politics too.
It never ceases to amaze me how different people can have such disparate views of the same situation based solely on partisan politics. And the media outlets they consume, I guess, but those are largely based on partisan politics too.
“Oftentimes, the man is shy, insecure, socially awkward, and/or boring. Sure, but all of those traits are very often overlooked in women.”
“...because I’m sorry most guys my own age can’t handle me so I age up so we can be on the same level.”
Honestly buddy you got a bit of a victim complex going there, you sound like one of those internet nice guys that MissCrystal was about.
People who are awesome and enjoy things that are good, obviously.
Dude’s been in financial dealings with the Russian mob since at least when he built Trump Tower in the early ‘80s. I’m at least as sure of this as I’m sure of the fact that a foul-smelling, brown substance frequently oozes from my ass.
Sean Hannity needs to be hauled out into the street and shot. It’s absolutely fucking unconscionable that someone as prominent as he is, working for the MSM, can throw out any load of fucking lies he feels like night after night with zero regard for the danger it’s causing and how it is destroying the very fabric of…
Millenials should vote. However, the answer to your question is: (1) states make it very hard to vote outside of certain hours/locations and often don’t have online forms to help people register, (2) certain states straight up won’t let college students vote by making it next to impossible unless they go to the town…
Yeah but conservativemom1 is proud of her. My guess is because she proved you can still do jack all and be rewarded for it by a rich man if you’re willing to be a doormat.
Sure but we shouldn’t be paying for his fucking settlement when it doesn’t have anything to do with us.
Some good news, Democrats just won a special election for a state senate seat. The district went heavily for Trump in the presidential election, where he won there by 17 points. The Republican candidate just lost by 9 points
I won’t believe Trump is 239 lbs, unless I see an official weight certificate.
It’s not dementia it is narcissism! All of his abhorrent behavior derives from his raging narcissistic personality which unfortunately will never be acknowledged or treated.
Most women do not have perfectly predictable cycles that stay the same for all their years of fertility. So you are one of the lucky ones.
Ohhh, well if it worked for you then it must be true! :)
When I was in 5th grade a fellow student slipped on the freshly waxed floor, so I burned down the entire school. Standard procedure.
Oh sure. It’s got to be the rich white man.
Unless he thought all that extra money was coming out of his own account?
I’m reading what these FBI agents wrote.... where’s the lie?