
I think he was either aware of the hoax much earlier - for all practical purposes he was in on it.

I recall a classmate in high school who was given a few drops of Clear Eyes by his roommate and was told it was LSD. He proceeded to spend the next several hours pretending to be high. I thought he was high until I was told that it was a prank several days later; he was that convincing.

That's got to be the SIlver Dollar bar in Missoula MT.

Say you what you will about Darnell, but true to his word, even though he's a star, he's never tuned his back on the little people.


Also in the first one, it appears that the Jets player actually steps on the fat guy's knee as he's running back on the field.

Is the headline "the Unthinkable Happens" a fucking joke? This is not surprising. Not at all. This is our culture now. Get used to it. Thank the GOP and the NRA.

My reply was in poor taste, as is the headphone wearer...

Jesus H this article is terrible. How many typos can you get in an article?

Occasional drinks after work is a bad habit? Fuck you 99u!

The Mays line is pure comedy gold.

Nice call. Third time's a charm, eh?

"I guess my response is that I have a lot less faith than you in the credibility of things people say to grand juries, when their reputations are on the line." This statement reeks of defensive rationalization. I would think that perjury, and not reputation, would be on my mind in front of a grand jury.

I'm from Mass. and agree that it is racist; my own mother, sad to say, is a racist/birther. But nothing touches the South. There is an undercurrent - well, a current, really - of not just racism, but of racists looking for other racists. I heard the phrase "I'm no racist but..." more times there in my one year of

Ha ha. I just meant asshole is also spelled with 18 (AH). Cum guzzler! Funny stuff!


The people in my organization who work from home (full disclosure, I'm one of the few) only get to that point because of their track record and value to the firm. It sounds like your colleague wasn't well evaluated before letting him loose.

This is definitely true; one of the frustrations I have as a remote worker is the perception that I am less involved or that I am handicapped by the distance. I think that the things that frustrate me are the exact same ones that frustrate my colleagues.

Paying for content is now easier than pirating it. I can get the season pass to breaking bad in SD for $14. Or I can torrent it. It is way easier to buy the pass, so I do it.