
"People from Boston labor under the mistaken belief that being a relentlessly cynical asshole makes you tough. Endearing, even. They believe their deliberate misery makes them harder and deeper than you."

Just a helpful hint. It goes "word comma space" not "word space comma." Here's an example: "Joe Paterno, head coach and a revered figure of semi-religious worship at Penn State, lied to a grand jury about serial child rapist Jerry Sandusky." Not "Joe Paterno ,head coach..."

Agreed. This is a great day for America...so radical.

"Most of all, remember the fun we had that day."

This post is really missing the whole point of triathlons: to have a reason to buy at least three times as much ridiculously expensive gear. The whole point of the cycling part of triathlon is so that when you recognize how much you suck at all three things just on your talent alone, you cast an angry eye to your

Spot on...

That's good thinking, right there.

Skip to the end:

My friend is an ER doc and was the first person to tell me the story. I have called BS on it before, but he doubled down and claims that it was a nurse from his residency that saw it. I didn't understand the motivation to own what is in reality a pretty mundane and potentially racist story.

The motherfucking football program IS Penn State, fuckface.

I'm from Boston, and I hate it. I hope this helps clear things up.


Good analysis, but one minor point that I'd disagree with. He used her name and another (and, all apologies to Ms. Phillips, who is merely cute) much hotter woman to scam Covers chumps. That must have been either an awkward conversation ("Hey - I used your name but Ivy's picture") or a smart decision that they were

Koblin: when you eventually interview Sarah, can you ask her the following:

Just curious...can you take a few minutes and describe your editing process for this?

Nilesh, if you are reading this, here's a tip: extra long shirts accentuate your shortness.

Sorry, you may not like Reilly or King, and neither are particularly funny in my opinion, but they both have had legitimate sports journalism careers and have earned the right to use unoriginal humor. She's there because she's cute.

Not to pile on her, but I wonder if these comedic gems from her last "Junk Mail" column would have been received the same if her byline had, say, an ugly face attached to them:


This is a much more thoughtful post than mine, but it really underscores how incredibly stupid both of these marks were. I felt that item #2 above really screamed scam, but #1 is worse.