Jay Aniakor

John Mayer being a douche doesn't make him a bad musician. And I don't know where Ed Sheeran has given off those vibes, although maybe you know more about him than me.

OK, well I don't know why you're carrying a hate-on for the guy, but he's obviously an accomplished musician (in the sense of being a strong composer (including live composing) and a pretty damn good guitarist), and a pretty good singer/songwriter too. You don't have to disrespect someone just because you don't like

I didn't say they were. I didn't say anything about popularity. I said he was talented.

She wasn't before?

There were more than two.

Lolwut? By all accounts Ed Sheeran is an extremely talented musician and one of the best of his generation. And I say that as someone who isn't even a huge Ed Sheeran fan, but the talent is undeniable.

I thought we were just in flashback mode for a second. Which was a neat trick the writers played.

"Don't trust the woman who convinced a couple parents to kill their child for nothing"? That advice?

Has anyone mentioned Ed Sheeran yet?!?!? Before seeing him I was like…that singing voice sounds too pretty, even for a show that has done some beautiful songs. And then I saw his face and was like oh…yeah.

Don't forget Cersei killing everyone! :D

I hate people who leer and hover and don't understand personal space and practically insist themselves on you, like Dom does. Which is to say, he totally grosses me out as a character, but the actor is doing a great job selling him.

In basically every single season of this show before this one.

Cynthia still didn't pad such a beautiful gown, which made me mad. Haha.

Oh shit I'm stealing this phrase and using it everywhere.

I am absolutely certain Shea has seen plenty of Sasha's performances, both online and in person.

I don't even think she needs to "pull it all together." She won the most challenges this season. That's pretty much how you end up winning the show, just not this year, haha. She just needs to come back and slay again.

Well to be fair, you don't need a pretty/unharmed face to have a child. They proved that point with Janine.

I actually don't mind graphic scenes in media at all, in fact I'm sometimes fascinated by them.

I primarily appreciate the incredibly talented makeup artists and post editors that make scenes like this seem so realistic

I'm pretty sure absolutely no one with two hands wants to lose a hand.