Jay Aniakor

They're also much more difficult to do, which is why you don't see them as frequently

I'm just wondering how he was tackled from shallow water that his horse was riding through into a chasm deep enough for him to sink down like that

I think narratively it would make sense for him to make an appearance, but in terms of the show's treatment of the character, he's barely been a part of anything so it would be weird for him to make an appearance.

Jay's speech in the ring was maybe the most affected I've ever been by a TV show. But Jonathan Tucker's always been phenomenal in this.

I'll preface this by saying I absolutely love Kingdom and am very sad its over.

This is the best news I've heard all week.

Oh undoubtedly this episode should be his Emmys for your consideration submission. He was incredible through and through, and was just the icing on the cake in the finale.

Mine too! I used to get headaches almost daily, but they've been reduced to maybe once or twice a MONTH now. It's been so freeing.

Wow come to think of it, that whole family has really been through some shit, haven't they? The stories they have to tell each other…

Such easy karma but I had to give it to you anyway

I'd like to think there's some shady gay queen writing all of her lines in the writers' room, because she shows shade better then any drag queen I've ever met. But Lord could she deliver an insult.

Oh man—well before now. I've been hate watching it for at least a couple a seasons. I'd say it turns to shit after about season 4. There's some interesting stuff in season 5 but even by the then the show had turned into the repetitive slogfest that it is now.

I don't know how many people here are going to get that reference unfortunately

Depends on how old you are. My grandfather took a spill on the stairs and broke his neck.

I reached that point with both The Walking Dead and HoC this year and I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders.

The gay "relationships" on this story are still treated differently. We see Tom and Claire fucking and in bed all the time. We see Frank and Eric in a back stairwell and it cuts out 10 seconds into anything happening. Same thing happened with Meacham.

Not to ruin your joke (2 months late), but…it's Netflix. There'a pause button for whizzing :D

Really? That scene by the fireplace later on didn't do it for you?

It's not white trash. It's just trash.

Ew. Who in their right fucking minds is thirsty for Milo?!? Repub or not??