Jay Aniakor

I fully support MC being voted for by the other queens. It's the only thing that makes sense really.

And Cynthia! Even if we're tired of the cucu, she is still one of the kindest and most well-liked queens ever.

I loved it because Farrah could have easily rolled over and acquiesced at that point, but she was INTENT on making it clear to Valentina and the audience that Valentina was no friend.

I think another thing you're missing is, all those queens who aren't black have actually given reason for people to dislike them. Bob, Kennedy, Jasmine etc. haven't.

God. You and CGI Pinata. I always agree with everything you guys say/you guys always say everything I want to say, and I'm always late to the party so then I just end up not commenting. Haha.

I don't think it had anything to do with that. I think it had to do with the way she treated some of the other queens. It's her personality, not her identity.

It's crazy that 13 out of 14 queens can all sit up and say "hold on, Valentina is NOT nice, she was just playing it for the cameras. and let me prove it to you with Exhibit A, B, C, D…etc." and yet her army of insane fans are still online like everyone else must be the crazy ones. It makes you realize the kind of

I agree with everything except your final point. If not Shea, it's gotta be Trinity. She's been the second best all around performer this season.

Lol no he was not a decent singer. He was off-key/flat at all times, which is what Titus' face was cringing to.

More like joke-a-sentence

Were we watching the shame Shea this season? I'm pretty sure she's been on from the beginning, from the news segment to Blac Chyna to the TV pilot's to this final 4 performance, she's been turning it out. She has been one of the best consistent performers in the show's history, certainly the best this season.

On what season could you count the number of memorable lip-syncs on two hands?

It looked like he was just mixing his own supplements—a big part of the nutritional supplement industry these days is every fitness person and their mother out there selling watered down/useless stuff, so my guess is that that was maybe a side business/job for him. Or he could be trafficking drugs through protein

I wonder if they're going to drag out Nate's coming out into the end of the season. It would be nice to see some resolution on that front with his friends and family, but something tells me we're not gonna get too deep into it this season.

Jonathan Tucker is too good for this world. I feel for him—and feel him—every time he's on screen.

I think OP is drawing a distinction between analyzing the world within the show and analyzing the show itself.

Ren and Stimpy ftw

Now that you mention faith, what's interesting to me is that I found myself not caring. Not about the show or the episode or what was happening, because this finale was phenomenal. But I found myself not caring about whether she actually went through or not, because like God and religion, I find myself not caring

Although I do kind of believe she went somewhere. I feel like Matt would have known if it didn't work or if she had changed her mind, no?

I think, should there have been a fourth season, we probably would have gone back and forth between that world and this one.