Jay Aniakor

I mean…I went to one of those universities and I'm a black, gay kid from Newark, NJ, one of the poorest and most crime-ridden cities in the nation. I felt very, very much privileged to be attending that school, but privileged is certainly not a word I've heard much in my life.

I don't think Fey knows what it is either, actually, based on this episode.

The weird thing is that Tina Fey seemed like she was trying to say"there's no way these girls could REALLY know anything/be right, because they're too young." As if the fact that they're college students means they can't udnerstand feminism or have something important to say. I'm sure no one's going to Malala

If so, he's a con-man with lethal lackeys, which still makes him pretty dangerous.

So he can get a guest actor Emmy nod.

Not the smart ones. Which is disgusting to have to say.

I mean…is ANYONE gonna be fertile after all this radiation?

maybe when we see Sarah, who was once Nora, it's actually because she's in that other world that scientists send people to. It's not exactly an answer about the departure, but I guess it would make some sense.

It just seems to obvious to me. I don't think it needs to be debated, but the fact that she committed suicide would be so painfully obvious.

But there is no "accident." Nora and Kevin would know, as they had that conversation with her. Kevin, John and others would wonder why the hell she was scuba diving. Her kids would wonder why she never told them she was in Australia, and it would eventually be revealed that she spoke to them right before she died.

Yah that was my main thing. It would obviously be suspicious if she just casually had gone scuba diving in Australia (her kids didn't know she was there, and those that did know she was there would think it very strange that she all of a sudden went scuba diving, especially Nora), so part of me thinks it's too obvious

To be fair, she was surrounded by a bunch of armed SWAT team members outside. So although there were many jokes, I don't think the show was treating the situation as a joke.

I don't think Derrick Barry's name will ever be spelled right by the fandom, haha

To be fair, June was complicit in the affair as well.

"It's crazy how you can assume something so quickly about someone just bc he had a gun and seemed like he might be a Guardian type."

It's a great song, I listen to it every couple weeks too.

Beyonce is more R&B/hip-hop situated, but I guess you could call it pop.

The "what will you say at my funeral now that you have killed me" is actually a direct quote from Lemonade

I don't know if there's ever been a more appropriate time to use the most cliched question of all time:

Unless you straight up hate the genre, I would give Lemonade a listen. It, to me, was one of the best albums that year, certainly Beyonce's best, and just so beautifully done. And then you can come back to UKS and enjoy all the references again :D