Jay Aniakor

I may disagree with that. In times past, I don't think that's been the case.

Small bone to pick—the "T" in LGBT isn't really about what goes on in bed. It's gender.


That's not what Ru said at all.

The queens don't see each others' runways, so Nina wouldn't have known this.

To be fair, the queens don't see each other's runways so, Nina could easily not have known that, and thus, was sayig that no one in previous seasons has done it.

Ummm…as a gay guy, I'd rather have invisibility or mind-reading or something.

Don't worry, you guys'll get over it.

Damn. My 55-incher feels super inadequate now.

The point is that the writers and directors are telling a story about people, and sex, intimacy and relationships are an innate part of who we are as humans.

I mean, if you've watched any number of premium cable/streaming TV shows in the last decade or so, you have most likely seen gay couples and sex scenes on TV. Maybe not all as intimate as this one, but many, many shows have had them.

I don't think this is actually the same article of clothing. Last week is was a slip, this week it was a skirt (that I believe was from Alexis).

Competitive cheerleaders don't usually work for years on one routine. That would be very abnormal.

Actually, Shea definitely seems to be a star (for many reasons mentioned in this review). She's smart, funny, endearing, fierce runway, fierce lip-sync/dance/performance, and just seems to read people/situations so well (her comment after winning tonight was SO slick.

I upvoted you for "last day of school."

I think this schtick has gotten tiring :(

I can't really see Alaska or Katya bombing it. I don't think there was one comedy challenge/aspect of comedy on the show across two seasons that either of them bombed, and they did some weird stuff too. They are both intelligent and witty enough to make anything work, pretty much. If you're a talented comedian, you'll

How did she make it through school? That's like 3rd grade Language Arts/English.

That seems like an insult to Gia.

I highly doubt Valentina is a filler queen. She's a bit too polished to go home before some of these other girls.