They should release the full runway on or the YouTube channel or something like that. Clearly, everyone wants to see it.
They should release the full runway on or the YouTube channel or something like that. Clearly, everyone wants to see it.
She's not going home. And I'm not even a stan. There is simply nothing she does poorly. She will be Top 3, mark my words.
Yeah, no…Street Meatz and Les Chicken Wings were definitely the better two groups, at least from what they showed us.
She also called Bob's drag "ratchet" and although he may not be the most polished queen on the runway, I was like…ratchet? Really Michelle? Come on.
I really wanted to see Kim Chi's make up closer, that shit looked surreal and fantastic.
I haven't seen it, but from the looks of the main episode Derrick just about thought his number was up again. His time is really limited.
Those were some weird ass/busted cartwheels, and did she do a half split? I was like girl stop.
"Chi Chi is smiling at the start of the performance because she knows she’s about to slay a bitch."
She did win the first challenge…
I reaaalllllyyy don't think Derrick is making top 5. Bob vs. Thorgy maybe, as they are the two best performers.
Yes I was confused as to why the actress on Empire was not judging during the Empire challenge, but whatevs
I'm waiting in anticipation to see Untucked, because Derrick looked like she knew she was in the bottom 2/was about to lipsync. She must have practically crumbled in relief when she was called safe. I think Ru is keeping her around because she believes there's something there, but I really don't know how much more…
I think once Derrick is gone (and Naysha again) it will be an incredible top 7, with everyone fighting hard as hell for those top 3 spots.
Underwhelmed by FAITH EVANS?!?! Girl please, that woman is hip-hop/R&B royalty.
I think Derrick's going soon. Like, in the next couple weeks.
Yeah I'm sort of nonplussed that they brought her back. She seems wonderfully nice and serviceable, but we already know she can't sew, and that lipsync was terrible (which Laila beat her pretty fair in. I'd be upset to find out she came back and not me if I was her). I feel like bringing back queens should really only…
I don't think they're bringing Naysha back. She already admitted she can't sew and brought that abysmal creation to the runway…later on in the season, sewing skills become really important. I think Ru is making way for someone really talented and unexpected. Not to mention, i don't think they've ever brought back a…
As much as I love Katya, I think it might actually be really difficult for her to take the crown from this spectacular group. They are HUNGRY.
I don't know if Ru's gonna bring another queen back if he's already bringing in somebody else next week, which it looks like he might be doing.
I mostly remember "Eggs," which was inspired, and her couple of hilarious performed lip-syncs