Jay Aniakor

The trap with "I Will Survive" is that you've GOTTA have the personality/fully thought out performance to sell it. As a song, it's actually pretty flat/not very dynamic throughout, so there are no huge moments to deathdrop or split or jump off the stage or whatever. You have to be a good storyteller and visual

People are sleeping on Robbie (maybe because they think she's come off as a bitch) but I think she's definitely top 5 material. It remains to be seen how great a lip-syncer she is, but she clearly has a fully realized aesthetic (with some great vintage looks), a big/defined personality and the kind of wit/humor that

When will queens learn to stop disrobing??? Apart from Raja/Carmen Carrera's lip sync, it practically NEVER helps. That queen is almost always sent packing. Unless the song is "I'm too sexy for my shirt" or you are revealing another outfit/wig underneath, DO NOT TAKE YOUR CLOTHES/WIG OFF QUEENS.

I'm pretty sure Kim Chi is lasting for a while.

Ugh. I'm mad about the Ginger edit too. I realize Violet is a young queen with AMAZING looks who represents a big part of the future of drag but let's be real—Ginger was the best performer and biggest personality of the final 3, and looking at the huge personalities of the other winners, she would have fit right in.

His looked tonight seemed like a knockoff/combination of Courtney Act's final 3 dress and Alyssa's drop-dead gorgeous blue sequinned see-thru number at the reunion last year.

Kennedy's top 4 speech about why she should be America's Next Drag Superstar, including her using the word "condone" where she meant "conduct," sealed her fate. I think Ru (and the rest of the judges) had really seen something in her, and I do think she would have pushed one of those girls out of the final 3 had it

Chi Chi does need to get it together eventually. I love her fight and story and she is a great performer, but ultimately the unpolished-ness is what kept Kennedy Davenport out of the final 3, as much as she had the fight and performance as well. She's gotta start looking toward the end and what it means to be a

I have never wanted him more than with the salt and pepper, aging as fine as George Clooney look he was serving tonight.

I could smell it before it even started. They have never set up a lip sync like that before, with all the judges talking about how this is the quintessential lip sync song and they better turn it, etc etc. They were set up to fail from the start

That's the good thing about Netflix. They have every audience, so they don't have to be beholden to network standards.

Of course, I just mean in terms of relationships, we are not/will not be short of heterosexual ones, but we are now devoid of anything else. It'd be like if a show killed every single black character off or every woman off. Doesn't mean the show is bad or did it on purpose, just sad to see it go.

This is not a knock on the show on the whole, but kinda sad that all the LGBT/LGBT-adjacent characters have been killed off/done away with. Stamper's stalking victim girl, Meechum, and they haven't really explored Frank's past anymore at all. Oh wellz!

This is generations in the future in a post-apocalyptic world, so suffice it to say they're pretty much free to do whatever they want with the characters.

I love season 6 too. The only difference with season 6 is that you pretty much knew who the frontrunner was after practically the first episode. Bianca set herself apart and was the person to beat; from the very beginning you knew she was gonna take the crown. Trinity was one of the best lip syncers the show has ever

I feel terrible for whoever has to go up against Chi Chi in a high-energy lip sync. She's about to send some girls packing in the vein of Trinity K Bonet (who everybody slept on too).

No I totally agree—I think she was very nice and you could tell she really wanted it, sort of like Sasha Belle—but that dress was doing the absolute least, and the lip sync was tragic. She probably would have had some good runway looks, but you knew her shelf life was very very short.

That one is definitely up there. I think because we had gotten to know them better by that point it didn't feel as tragic, but this is the first Lip Sync of the season/first time most people got to see Naysha perform (to LADY GAGA no less), and it was a train wreck

The last season I thought was truly incredible (though I've liked all of them, everyone was looking for a return to form after last season) was season 5. Jinkx, Alaska, Roxxy, Detox, Coco, Alyssa were an AMAZING top six to me, all great, big personalities with different interesting things to offer in their drag. Even

It was one of the worst performances/channeling of a lip sync song I've seen on the show, up there with Honey Mahogany/Vivienne Pinay's double elimination, Serena Cha Cha's robot arms and Alisa Summers doing absolutely nothing to Toxic while Jiggly slayed the stage.