
That is not a joke. It is the governments right to be complicit with them.

It’s not only the Dems and Republican that are preventing universal, single payer health care. Too many of the voters are not for it yet. Americans don’t like to be taxed and the way our country is geographically/demographically constructed, it is very challenging to implement. I grew up in Europe but am an American

You should direct some of your anger and the FDA. They are in bed with big pharma and do an incompetent job at everything they control.

I sure hope the headline is meant to be sarcastic. Why would any educated person think that pharmaceutical companies or doctors care whether someone dies from opioids?

I think Fred Flintstone had one of these transmissions.  NASCAR needs to make some significant technological improvements to remain relevant. Race attendance and TV viewership are both in a steep decline. 

Tulo is too old. I don’t see how he can help any team.

Please elaborate if you are able.

Not too many readers here study the humanities.

I am curious why so many choose to forget that Colin Kaepernick was not very good.

I don’t see how this qualifies as a big luxury sedan. It was never a big luxury sedan. Back in 1984 the Mercedes and of course Cadillac and Lincolns were bigger. Today all luxury sedans are bigger than this. It seems like a fun car to have but if you really want to own a big luxury sedan you have not accomplished the

I had the good fortune of being at the right place at the right time in Denver a few years ago where a random car show was going on. There were Ferraris, Maseratis and Lamborghinis there. There was a large crowd gathered around one car. So many people that I could not see what it was. That car turned out to be the

Doesn’t Alfa Romeo mean “mistake” in latin? Every Alfa has many mistakes. Enthusiasts call it “charming”. A new and improved 8C would be nice to see.

You don’t belong on this site.

You’re correct. You are being beaten down for that comment.

It is really disappointing that Jalopnik would support such an absurd position. This site has not typically lowered itself to coddle the politically correct whiners who choose to be victims because it is trendy. 

He didn’t do well in life. He didn’t do anything in life. He inherited money.

Excellent idea. The resistance is rising. It’s going to get interesting.

I love it. I was just telling someone the same thing today. I like your thinking.

I feel old.

Perhaps chicken middle fingers?