
The price is ridiculous. I don’t understand how it is sustainable for people to spend that much for a smart phone. The sweet spot for a high end phone needs to be $600-$700.

Could you imagine if this was a white Steward or Stewardess interacting with a black passenger? The riots and demonstrations would shut down airports across the country.

It would be cool to see an expanded IROC series so drivers could compete in equal cars on different tracks. The way IROC works now is not very interesting and certainly not effectively marketed. It could be a big deal with the right support.

Your article could be applied to many sports. Watch the movie “Rush” and decide if F1 was ever good. I have been watching F1 since 1971 so I think it has been good. It isn’t always competitive or even exciting just the engineering of the cars is fantastic.

The side effects of this vaccine are scary and the medical community has not been honest about them. My neice almost died after getting this vaccine and the people at the hospital said that they see these side effects often. She was in ICU for 2 days after getting the vaccine. The human race has survived without this

Shitshow is a great term and accurate. It was worhless. The athletes got screwed, the fans got screwed and the sponsors should be upset too. Whoever had the authority to delay or postpone this event needs to be fired. Luckily no one ended up in the hospital.