
Yup. More derivative internet crap ... Thanks for sharing.

Please share the company names. I'd love to look into it.

lol wow, settle down, Missus Buttersworth.

Please provide proof, unless you're here to purposefully misinform. The article below from Aug. 27th describes any deals on ride-sharing insurance requirements as "tentative" in California, and even if agreed upon, they won't take effect until July of '15.

I'd argue Wal-Mart along with the original Thomas Edison Film Trust as two that immediately come to mind, and you're incorrect to use "price jacking" as the end-all-be-all of negative effects of monopolies. The suppression of technological innovation to prevent so-called system disruption and outright censorship both

While we're on the subject of simplistic breakdowns, please tell us what happens if your Uber driver kills someone with you riding in the back. I'm up to speed on what happens if I'm involved in an accident while riding in a licensed, regulation-abiding taxi. Since you're the Uber expert here, please tell me what I

This is the only recurring post on Gawker that makes me laugh anymore. Well done.

iPads, as handheld gadgets, Apple, as a brand, and the App Store, as content provider, all promote passive consumerism. That's it. End of story. Apple doesn't make empowering tools anymore. That ideal that sparked their original products died with Wozniak - Jobs killed it. Common knowledge. Therefore, you'd have to

With paper books, I represent a first-class consumer. I can resell the purchased property at a loss or profit, my choice. Additionally, I could have the author of a paper book I own sign it to increase its value from a monetary or a sentimental perspective. With eBooks, I can do none of these things. I'm simply

Looks like an immobilizing Steadicam rig to me. Makes sense for the job.

And with the sharpness of a spoon comes wagnerrp ...

I have read it. Care to make any other assumptions before wowing us all into the ground, prick?

Sorry, but to clarify, you're saying the decision made by the E.U. high court created a process that lets any E.U. citizen force Google to take down links to "data they don't like"? That sounds like an awfully vague interpretation of the court's decision given the ruling was handed down to hide content that violates

I'm genuinely interested to know, especially since you openly admit that you've chosen to argue against it, what process did the E.U. high court's decision create to allow E.U. citizens to "edit the public record in [their] favor"?

Dodai, who censors your article's comments section? hwright's comment read like fair criticism given the article's topic. Why delete it?

What happened to the Blue Apron/Lena Dunham/"real journalism" comment?

Ewww. Not sure why you've dipped into racial discrimination and pedophilia imagery over a Songza article, but uhhhh, no thanks. Bye now creepy, anonymous cat lady/man? ... Definitely blocked.

"...it's hand-crafted manually created playlists of songs selected by individuals not (as you claim in another comment an 'algorithm')..."

"Name a new genre"?