... it isn’t in their best interest, they’d get in a heap of legal trouble fast, and the cost to do so would be astronomical ...
... it isn’t in their best interest, they’d get in a heap of legal trouble fast, and the cost to do so would be astronomical ...
Excellent article Kara. Never realized this:
According to IMDB he’s worked as an additional 2nd AD
lol, I said “additional” 2nd AD - the equivalent of a PA in that department - because that’s the position IMDB lists him as working on multiple shows you STUPID FUCKING PRICK. Natasha got it wrong in the article, and that was my way of politely correcting her. Come now, you ignorant ass. Care to try again?
According to IMDB he’s worked as an additional 2nd AD (someone who sits on a walkie talkie watching actors walk to and from set) and a PA (production assistant a.k.a. dirt). These are two of the lowest rungs on the set work ladder. No one typically stays there more than two years - either you advance, or fuck off back…
... or you’re foreshadowing “death” as literal, when it does not have to be.
These get lamer every fuckin year (except for ThinkGeek, the original April 1st pranksters). Can the people move their April Fool’s Day to April 2nd now please?
What're you doing? Just throwing questions into the ether, hoping someone answers? lol ... Get outside and make some friends ya fuckin loser.
Minecraft keeps the children addicted because it uses mechanical feedback loops, the same way slot machines in casinos keep your grandma glued to those spinning wheels. You dig, and dig, and dig (your grandma pulls the lever) in the hopes that the next dig will give you the treasure you're looking for, but no ... kids…
I mean, it's a lot of "don't create the thing you want to create"
Ah, and I forgot to mention, if you disagree with me and want to stick to your "privacy isn't a good thing" argument, please post the usernames and passwords to all your e-mail, social and banking accounts here on the board for me. I'd be happy to look through them.
Well, privacy. Hmmm. Not sure that's such a good thing any more.
Gluten is fine, and a pitcher should not be traded away just because he wants to keep eating it.
The possibility that all these apps have separately created algorithms that will entirely (or almost entirely) block those sub-par humans from your view is very slim.
This is the only recurring post on Gawker that makes me laugh anymore. Well done.