Oh my Gooooooddddddddd! Look at this comment! .... You are a zealot! You worship Steve Fucking Jobs! Ha-HAH!! I knew it!
Oh my Gooooooddddddddd! Look at this comment! .... You are a zealot! You worship Steve Fucking Jobs! Ha-HAH!! I knew it!
Nice ad spend, Pringles. After two months, Gawker's officially associated you with food-based chandeliers, and lame-ass subway fights. A truly solid product like yours doesn't deserve such crap marketing.
Apple R&D just heard its death knell ring.
Just a thought for Marc Andreessen: How 'bout you give those ill-gotten billions back to the tax payers you took them from, and let us make our own fucking decisions about what to do with 'em? Eh? Eh fuck face? Fuckin' A, these scum bags are insane.
They're not. It's hyperbole regurgitated for a paycheck.
Well, because we're viewing it on a Gawker site, it reads more like a rationalization of your current career path.
When the author clearly knows jack shit about his chosen subject, you're looking at troll bait folks.
I produced a Zemeckis interview in No. CA a few years back for Christmas Carol marketing. I'l say this, Zemeckis hates most actors, and he'll always admit it if asked. He despises most of them for stereotypical reasons - "they're needy", "they never show up on time" etc. He's worse than Lucas in this respect, and…
Love itttttt wasn't this from a multi-issue Alpha Flight cross-over? Dang. I remember trying to wrap my head around this as a kid lol