He's certainly the most hateable CBB coach not named Rick Pitino.
He's certainly the most hateable CBB coach not named Rick Pitino.
I didn't like Calipari before, but after going off after the ND game, basically saying that his team played awful and ND played over their head, I have no chance to like him. ND has one hell of a team, a hell of a team that probably should have won that game, but that's a different argument.
Coach K can certainly rub people the wrong way. He seemingly can swear at both officials and (according to some reports) his players with impunity. He can come off as a prick during some interviews, especially after tough loses. That said, he can be gracious in defeat and will praise opposing teams, coaches and…
Robert Montgomery Knight is so frustrated at your idiotically wrong answer he throws a chair, flower pot and a salad at you.
Coach K is merely Darth Vader. He learned how to be hateable from his mentor, Emporer Palpatine himself, Bobby Knight. You can't with any integrity say Coach K, or any other coach in any sport ever, is more hated than Knight.
As a Terps fan from birth I was raised to despise everything Dookie related but all said, I respect him, still dislike him, but respect him. Guys like Calipari I don't respect for shit.
The last fine Jimmy Haslam paid was $92 million, so I don't think he'll be sweating this one.
"The Browns were kind of a mess by year's end"
Now that's a pro style offense, right there.
"This is the type of guy that doesn't deserve a third chance"
...in the fourth round of the 2015 supplemental draft, the Dallas Cowboys select
The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.
what he said was La Canfora's cultural insensitivity
Two posts criticizing La Canfora, seven minutes apart, from people who have never posted before. Hmmmm.
Does this make Snyder one of those people who...you know, gives something, but then tries to take it back?
Um, she's the daytime bartender. Her nights are "free".
Well, damn. If that woman was any blonder, bustier and ditzier, her kids probably wouldn't have been vaccinated.
+1 Dirty dirty Sanchez.
Either way you look at it, he appears to be happy.
There's no way anything associated with anything Dan Snyder owns is any good.