Justin Schroeder

Looks okay to me.

Sim Ant!!!

While I don’t disagree with the general point you make, it feels really dismissive in delivery. I love my sports teams but they didn’t have a real connection (ties, history and roots) to most cities until they sprang up and just stayed around for decades and decades.

To speak to why they are doing it, they clearly

Nothing beats a classic. Well, almost nothing.

If you only have a Mini-USB cable, you’re living under a rock with nothing but a PlayStation 3.

fortunately that is exactly what is happening. 

To be clear, it wasn’t an illegal play, and no foul was assessed, even though Brogdon did appear to lean slightly forward into Bagley.

“Let’s make oil/gas production inefficient” is not a way to stop the use of fossil fuels. Indeed, stopping pipelines and other system efficiency measures increases fossil fuel burn, because it forces logistics companies to burn more fuel to bring oil and gas to market.

Okay, so oil produced in a less polluting way is bad.

I’m not the OP, but I was a caddy for a long time when I was younger and I did get to caddy in a pro tournament in a situation kinda similar to this. They say that he was a club caddy, meaning he just worked at the club that was hosting the tournament and they grabbed him because a guy needed a caddy. He’s quite a way

The issue with him being a replacement caddy is that he did not spend all the practice hours and travel time with Kuchar that Kuchar’s regular caddy does. He was a club caddy at the course. He showed up for four days and is asking for 10%.

AC4 had those cool-ass hand-drawn watercolorish stillshot introspective style cutscenes. I thought that was a brilliant artistic take in an era of the great hd model rendering race.

Yeah, I think this is getting a little extra press because it’s Elon’s company. 10% would be a lot for Ford or Boeing, but SpaceX is pretty small in comparison. 600 people is not exactly a massive blow to the industry.

CEO makes pretty normal business decision. News at 11. 

It’s a private path under a residential neighborhood. I can’t see how speed limit laws would not be applied. As for it being just a tunnel, you can see from the concept, the subway car is pretty much just a bus. They can get to that part later. The refitted Teslas are just to confirm vehicles can traverse the tunnel

I took and found out my father wasnt really my father. Since I had no relationship with the man I thought was my father, I debated for months and decided to reach out to my biological one. Im glad I did because he and his family are so incredibly nice and welcomed me to the family with open arms.

Can we get an official update on Drew? You don’t have to get into specifics or anything, just a simple “he is doing better should be back soon” would be nice.

What, seriously? Do you ACTUALLY think that Nintendo is the only company in the video game industry who cares about video games and the people who play them? (I mean, that statement is itself quite debatable, but I’m not getting into that here.) Just because Nintendo does one thing relatively well, you you think that

PS4+PC+Switch was the money combination this generation for sure.

Opting out of reviews and not having forums is a huge fuck you to consumers. I know they can be toxic but they are also how numerous developers have been pressured to actually fix their games. Taking away consumer voices is not good thing,  just because someone somewhere at some point maybe had their feelings hurt.