Justin Schroeder

But how does that make any sense? “I’m gonna stick it to Sony and buy all third party games elsewhere, so I can crossplay with all the other platforms. Even though I won’t have any of my friends to play with, so I’ll be cross-playing with no one....”  The point of crossplay is so you can play with your friends who are

You are so lost in the fact that the bill in question is about guns that your not seeing the point. He was not in any way criticizing the bill. Stop being blinded by your unending loyalty to guns and realize he was saying that naming bills in the way that specific bill was named is disingenuous.

The name is disingenuous. His point was that people in government don’t read the details, so they would ever notice it had anything to do with guns or suppressors for them. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with suppressors, but naming a bill something that sounds like something else is disingenuous no matter the

The semantics were 9 vs 10 years ago. I also had an error in my last message. I meant to say that by 2009 most manufactures were already on micro not on mini. Many of the best selling feature phones of that time were using micro. I would also challenge that there weren’t 2 or 3 dominant manufactures at that time. LG,

You can argue semantics all you want. By 2009 most manufactures were all ready on mini. That includes most of the dumb phones sold by Samsung and LG, and the most popular blackberry phones of the time. Pointing out niche connectors, or non-mainstream devices doesn’t make your argument correct. For at the very very

We may be on our 4th or even 5th usb standard in the last 10 years, but we are only on our second port standard in that time. Micro USB was already the standard port 10 years ago, and was all the way up till probably last year.

The expansion pass for d1 was $35, Taken king had more content than both of them combined.

Taken King was $40, just like forsaken. The annual pass is also $40 but will not have anything from forsaken.

Activision doesn’t even own Bungie, and Bungie doesn’t truly have “total creative control.”

I wish more people understood this! There are effective duopolies in the majority of the country because of these rules.

Honestly forgot about the EVO 3D. I was actually talking about the M8.

Sure, but you asked what they bought, and if you read the publicity around the deal then you would know they only took about 1/5 of HTC’s engineering team.

Its not that he doesn’t have a valid question. Its that he either didn’t read, or didn’t comprehend the article. Based on your comment, you didn’t either. The point is that you need a more viscous oil at higher temps so it doesn’t get too thin, and a less viscous oil at lower temps so it actually flows and lubricates.

The funny thing is no one remembers that HTC started the multi camera thing and were ridiculed for it.

IP. HTC is a MASSIVE player in Cell phone IP. It helps being one of the first major smartphone manufacturers, and the first to make an android phone, and the company Google tapped to make the first nexus phones.

Both Dota and LOL only have one map that matters.

Both Dota and LOL only have one map that matters.

I don’t think you’d find your assumptions validated if you did a little digging. Even the best writers need editors. Name your favorite author, I guarantee they have an editor, and that they make many of the same mistakes you see on websites like this.

The steam hubs are actually the only way you can over come the cold. Once you get down passed -70 I think, you need level 4 power and then need to add overdrive to overcome the extreme cold. The steam hubs output the exact same heat as the generator, and thus take all of the benefits from overdrive and the additional

I don’t think the quality of the whole really matters. When you look at that generation, there were only 10-15 games that even mattered, that weren’t on the ps2.