Justin Schroeder

Yup,I knew most of that actually lol. I was just pointing out that for the most part team names are meaningless anyways. Esports teams just tend to have stranger names than most pro sports. You could point out dozens of names in pro sports that are just nothing more than “Oh the founder thought it was a cool name.”

Well Envyus is literally just Envy Us. NRG is a riff of Energy. Most teams have some sort of similar naming thing. How the a team like the New York Giant’s come up with the Giants as a game?

Totally agree!

Interesting rational considering that there are more Asian Characters in Overwatch than any other Continent. But still, SUPER cool artwork. 

You did though. If you’ve ever applied for a credit card, or a loan at any point in your life, its likely that Equifax has your information. And you agreed to give it to them.

I don’t think there’s reason to worry. In reality the only race that we 100% know serves the darkness is the Hive. There are plenty of pieces of lore that point to both the cabal and fallen having been visited by the traveler, and the Vex are just a complete mystery (some even think we made the vex). He didn’t say

You do realize that the Xbone X is weaker than a GTX 1070, and a 1070 can’t even always sustain 60 FPS 4k right?

What were these magical new IP exclusives that the PS3 had by 2007?

If I remember right he always either leased them or rented them. But either way he did that for privacy.

That’s a terrible example. For one thing Nvidia never really “Buried” ATI. Sure they almost always had the lead, but its not like NVIDIA has ever had 90% market share. NVIDIA also never made “Better” products. They both did the same thing as well as the other on a hardware level, NVIDIA was just able to make their

I can’t believe no one has noticed this..... You have Federal Aviation Commission, It’s the Federal Aviation Administration. Or the FAA not the FAC. 

I think its supposed to be Michael Jackson. So while I don’t think its supposed to be stereotypical, it doesn’t make it any better....

I love your optimism on it, but just like every other person who ever talked about LFG, you need to keep in mind that those people actively spent time on LFG and looked for people to Sherpa. The reason so many “Hardcore” players have been so against matchmaking for high level content is because you are going to get

30 years ago China wasn’t even in the top 10 for most important countries in the world. If you look at their GDP it wasn’t until the late 90's that they really took off.

Well the OW league doesn’t exist yet.... so I’d say no.

Would it really hurt Bethesda though? If Arkane has bonuses tied to the Metacritic score, wouldn’t Bethesda be the ones paying it out? So in theory, lower scores with similar sales would equal more profit for Bethesda.

But what your missing is that there are already several esports teams owned by sports owners. Team NRG is owned by Shaq and the Kings ownership group, the 76ers own dignitas, and a few others are similar.

Hold on hold on hold on. You think that eSports could just be a fad? They sell out arenas for eSports, have done so for the last 10+ years, and are doing it more often all the time. Last year the International for DOTA had more than a 10 million dollar prize pool, idk how that is either “waay underground” or a Fad.

That’s the biggest issue in the NFL in my opinion. Owners want to win NOW all the time, and its just not realistic. How many times has a head coach or GM gotten less than 3 years to rebuild in the past decade? More than most think I would bet. So then you have these GM’s who need to make these big risky moves to

I don’t think thats going to be true in the Zodiac age unfortunately... With the Job system, you might need to keep everyone leveled.