Justin Schroeder

Unfortunately I do agree that nuclear disasters would likely happen a bit more if we went full out with Nuclear power. However if you look at the major disasters (of which there are only ~5 in 50 years of Nuclear power plants) only three were really bad, and one was a natural disaster. So its really hard to know, but

While I agree with several of your points, I just don’t think that shifting towards reduced per capita consumption is something we can wait for. In fact I don’t think that we’ve come anywhere near peak power consumption in the US. Once we all have EV/Fuel cell cars I think we’ll be closer, but not now.

Really cool article Rob. The biggest thing to me that you pointed out is the power struggles at the top. When you’ve got sponsors like Samsung or LG to contend with you’ll probably have to tiptoe around a lot.

Your top 4 Genres are MOBA’s (Far and away #1), FPS, RTS and card games. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. MOBA’s and RTS’ are both fantasy and you can’t see it in real life. I’d wager a guess that most people wouldn’t actually watch a real life FPS but are still interested in the skill and events that

Lol He literally gave a way to create the amount of electricity to do all the things you just suggested. Think about this, there are 60 times as many fossil fuel power plants in this country compared to Nuclear plants, and they create only about 4 times as much power. Meaning in theory we would need fewer than 160

With no context of where you were, where you turned, what time it was, I don’t know. I also never said Milwaukee had nothing to do with the Packers. What I really meant was that its the Green Bay area, that truly supports the Packers. Between Brown and the surrounding Counties, there are nearly 500k people, why do

Milwaukee really doesn’t support Green Bay. Its 2 hours away and in reality Baseball is the main sport in Milwaukee.

This is what I was just thinking. 900 MHz might be “lower powered, and longer ranged,” but it just won’t be as fast, with the small amount of band available.

I live in Madison and completely agree. This solution would work in maybe a dozen or two cities in the country. But then the whole solution completely ignores commuters. I know 100’s of people who either commute into Madison from Rural areas, or from Madison to Milwaukee. Sure getting people from big city to big city

This is my last post because your ridiculous, and are just pulling single words out and trying to make points. I never said United was a third party. Never even mentioned they were a 1st 2nd or 3rd party. If Sony is party 1, and United is party 2 and makes a game for Sony. Then United says they don’t want to do it any

Now I know you’ve completely missed my point..... lol. I only mentioned ps4 as a place holder, I could have just as easily said PS2 or PS3. The point of that statement was a home console, not handheld.

I think you missed my point. I wasn’t aware that LB3 wasn’t made by Media Molecule, so I was wrong there. But my point was that I don’t consider a different company making a Vita or PSP game for a Marquee franchise the same as a different company making a PS4 game for a Marquee franchise. I also never said anyone

I’ll concede Sly, but other games being developed for Vita I don’t think really count. To me that’s like saying that the studios who ported all the games to PS3 took over development.

I’d honestly be very surprised to see another studio doing another Uncharted. What Sony owned IP has ever changed production studios? Crash doesn’t count because Sony owned neither Naughty Dog or the IP to Crash.

I like the article Tom, but talking about a City with a population of 200k is hardly talking about a small town. By your definition there are only a small hand full of Cities in the country. Even 100k is still pretty large and will have things like Malls and normal Chain restaurants. Now if you moved to a town smaller

If you read carefully, the software emulation still had the PS2 GPU on the PS3 MOBO.

The “good” ace combat games are whats missing in my gaming life. I’ve never found another series that is as good as PS2 era Ace Combat.

There was never PS2 emulation on the PS3. The actual PS2 hardware was inside of the PS3, and your right they did kill it off to save money, save us money not them. Sony sold every PS3 at a loss in the beginning that’s part of why it was so expensive. Ditching the PS2 compatibility made the system price competitive.

An article on Card games in Video games and no mention of Triple Triad? Smh

We’ve had several sightings in South Western Wisconsin in the past few years. Specifically there’s been 2 or 3 sightings a year by my home town of what they think is a male living on its own.