Justin Schroeder

So does this article just completely ignore the fact that the Model 3 is on the close horizon, and the battery factory will help scale this for quite a few years? Plus tell me how a golf cart will haul 4 people plus groceries, let alone one adult and several children. Golf carts could remedy a few issues in our

Limiting the discharge is very simple though. I think super capacitors will ultimately be the solution to the charge time issues.

You are though. The typical 35-50 year old that owns their own home and has a commute of less than 50 miles is the market for the model 3 and there are Millions of those people.

You’r average everyday consumer will have the option to charge overnight, and thats all that matters.

Well if you read your fine print, you don’t have unlimited data. They just don’t do anything really if you go over. However if you constantly go over your data usage they will threaten you will fees. The limit as far as I know however is between 250 GBs and 500 GBs.

I disagree. When i started destiny I had 0 Friends that were playing it, so I decided to not wallow in my loneliness and go out and join a clan. I joined the clan and hit it off with several of the members and now have a list of freinds large enough that it is rare for me to have less than 15 people on at any one give

He’s no longer got anything to do with youtube. He just owns a bunch of Google stock, thats how hes worth so much.

Well what's the suns lifespan at this point? Something like 4-5 billion years? Best estimates I've seen say that we developed in about 2 billion years. That being said i don't think there's any reason to believe that its impossible, especially considering our most likely extinction point is nuclear winter. The earth

Don't forget that everything you just listed off is why we are the most powerful country in the world, while being of the most isolated countries in the world relative to all the "evil" countries. There isn't a place on the map we couldn't have a strike force to within a few hours because of our bases and our

A lot of your parents vs your grandparents is about the times as well. Living in general costs too much to live off a single military paycheck now. My gf and I make about 65k a year and barely have enough to go out to dinner once every week or so. But we both have car loans, insurance, cellphones, regular house

Does it bug anyone else that they keep talking about bits and bytes as if they are interchangeable?

Awesome article! We've been thinking about rescuing a greyhound for our first dog together. We want to get a dog but we are wary about having an older dog when we start having kids and greyhounds lifespan is about perfect for when we would want to start having kids.

Thanks for the tips Kirk! Just started yesterday having never played a souls game and I've done a good amount already and explored most of central, but I was starting to feel like I couldn't progress anymore without waking the doll. Now I'll go get my ass handed to me wake the doll and actually start progressing!!

While I agree with you, you're looking at the one percent graphics cards. Most cards just don't consume that much power. Plus I'm sure there would be a way to pipe those watts directly through the card without much in the way of hardware.

What about just having your desktop power your monitor? I mean whats a 24" LED Monitor need for power? 25w-50w? That could easily be done.

Disagree. Uncharted is currently Playstation's Halo. It's a system seller and would have easily handed Sony the 2015 holiday. Being pushed back to the spring is good in terms of competition though. Now it won't have to compete with Destiny, Halo, COD, or Battlefield.

I liked XIII-2 as well! I feel like it just gets lumped in with the other two games, but it really is different from the other two and has an interesting (if not convoluted and weird as hell) story line.

Just sayin there are some pretty big wrinkles in your comparison. The surface starts at $799, true, but it only has 64gb of storage, and no keyboard. To get an equivalent storage (256GB) you need the $1299 Surface, then to add the keyboard is another $119. Granted for $1420 you get a marginally faster processor,

Haha yea it takes some getting used to, but the best thing to do is just to give the ball to Titus to shoot. Never give it to someone else unless you recruit another good shooter. Other than that just drag defenders away from Titus and make it so he never has to shoot through more than 1 or 2 players. It also helps

X Does get a lot better. Not as good as XII in terms of sheer number of things to do, but blitzball is a lot of fun once you figure it out, then there are puzzles to figure out for each Aeon, and hidden areas and such. Most of that stuff though doesn't open up until you are about 3/4s the way through the main story