Justin Schroeder

But here's the difference. The cowboys would have gone for a 2 point conversion, had they scored that touchdown (which at the 1 yard line I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they would have). If they would have gotten the 2 points Green Bay needed to do nothing more than to score a field goal to tie the

What Midwestern City is even big enough to support the Mariners? Every one big enough already has a team.

Lol great thanks for agreeing with me, because the companies that make cable standards are not the ones that do the manufacturing.

Because it's indicative of the entire industries manufacturing processes. Sony does not manufacture the PS4, in fact many of the most popular electronic products in the world are not manufactured by their brand. You may have heard of Foxconn in China, they produce a very large portion of the worlds biggest

No you miss the point, and I'm not sure you understand how broadcast TV works. Live TV has commercial breaks, its not as if you could just cut out the commercial break for people watching online. Beyond that, broadcast TV makes money from advertisements, i'm sure you've heard the exorbitant amounts of money that

Okay please tell me where Sony manufactures the PS4, currently one of the most shipped electronics in the world.

Because the companies that dictate electronics standards have anything to do with shipping pallet standards....

The faster part is true though. I've seen very very few HDMI 1.4 cables in stores that weren't monster. Obviously that isn't true online, but in stores is where most people buy cables.

I haven't been able to type with my eyes closed since I moved to a touchscreen. Back in the day though with a flip phone I was a typing madman. I could type 160 characters without looking in under 30 seconds.

Please explain how you would take the commercials out of live TV....

Okay so look at it this way. The cost of a PS3, probably around 60 bucks, plus the cost of the game, depending on the game anywhere from 10-30 dollars. So right there if you wanted to play one game off of the service you could sign up for a month beat it, and still have come out on top.

I think you hit it right on the head. Vaan and Penalo were simply the catalysts. Honestly I thought the extra characters you got throughout the game were the most interesting outside of Baltheir and Basch. Larsa and Reddas will forever be my two favorite supporting characters in a FF game. I would still pay a lot

The disparity is much worse for people who don't work two jobs and only work part time... It urks me to see those people complain about money and live off welfare though. It's not hard to find minimum wage part time work, yet so many people are so lazy they would just rather live off the government in poverty.

Asserting that the US isn't a superpower or feared is laughable. There isn't a country in the world that would launch anything other than a full scale nuclear attack on US soil. Hell if a country decided it wanted to invade us they wouldn't even get within shooting distance of our mainland coasts. The US has the

I disagree. First gen 3d games are quite painful to play. I personally started with VIII so I have no nostalgia attached to playing VII and can't bring myself to play it. Now give me VI with its 2d and I can play it just fine, but VII is painful.

Not to mention a failing economy that is failing due to self inflicted wounds!

I had one of these guys, so i was already used to using the extra right side buttons.

The issue with that is that Activision owns Crash... So Sony can't do anything unless Activision sells it back to them.

I would guess not a huge one, maybe 20-25% on the high end. The bigger difference would be in battery life with having a big little setup.

It's not. You just need to launch the game most likely.