Justin Schroeder

Are we talking about number of deaths or fatality rate? Because 10+ thousand people die every year in the US to the Flu. How many people total have died from Ebola this year worldwide?

Good point. Was just a thought though.

I never said that. I merely pointed out that the origin for the new M having started during the cold war would hold water, as would Pierce's Bond being a cold war relic. I've never seen a bond movie prior to The World is Not Enough, so that said the continuity or noncontinuity of Bond has no effect on my enjoyment

I'd love to see her go to Naughty Dog. They have a hole from when Amy left so she may be a good fit, as her games have had an affinity for heavy story.

Well you do realize that her first bond movie was literally only 3 years after the cold war ended. So in reality her continuity would work just fine. It may have simply been that she considered Pierce's Bond was actually a relic of the cold war in that he was 007 during the cold war.

You do know that Microsoft has nothing to do with Insomniac right? Insomniac is an independently owned game studio and always has been. If Sony was unable to purchase them (which you have to believe they tried to do) no one will for a long time.

I've heard the same thing recently.

I feel like no one in these comments realize that the magnetic north and south are already backwards.... The south magnetic pole is in the arctic, and the north magnetic pole is in the south....

I don't think you could do it in less than two payloads. But did the MIT research show that would run out of supplies or that they would die of radiation poisoning?

Gold and Silver will always be the best. They are the ones that really represent childhood for me 9-12. (I don't consider 14 childhood) I may have started with Yellow and Blue, but I was never any good at them. Was I only one who thought the difference between the 8th Gym and the Elite Four was HUGE in RBY?

No. The likely hood of even half of the political figures they talk about dying being in D.C at the same time is not very high. I've always heard its for situations like the one we are talking about, don't know if thats true or not but its what I've heard.

I would think you put the UN in charge and allow them to bring the country back to order.

In all honesty is there another town in the country that would be the right fit? If Chicago was gone, I don't think any other city would make sense.

Have you beat the hard raid? Because I have, and it is insanely hard. I went with a group of 4 29's 1 28 and a 30, and it took us 6 hours to complete. Mind you our group of 6 people had completed the raid a combined total of 28 times. So we knew all of the strategies and mechanics. We even cheesed several parts,

The Last of us in 60fps was kinda hard on the eyes. Everything about it was just a little too real and i think maybe pushed a bit into the uncanny valley.

You do know that movies running at 24 frames per second is how the film is designed right? The film industry settled on 24 fps decades ago because the sound playback sounded better. Also i guess you don't remember the big to do regarding the Hobbit being shot in 48 FPS. That was a really big deal at the time and

I've heard that a lot and its the only reason i bought it. I had to push myself to finish AC 3, and haven't touched blackflag since i bought it 5 months ago....

Pure water is one of the best insulators on the planet. If memory serves it's better than both rubber and glass. The way water conducts electricity is through impurities such as salt.

It was only with stick. Stick doesn't typically look all that pretty when you fill gaps like that.

I was very confused as to why he did what he did. Using a stick to fill gaps that big is no fun at all.