
Except those "biological differences" don't explain "why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership".

I mentioned this in another post, but your observation bears out in research. Women are far more likely to drop STEM classes because they won't get a "C" in the class whereas men are more than happy to get the "C" since it, technically, means they passed. It's not just your opinion- it's research based.

Man…..It's shocking to me that you think there's anything redeemable or intellectually honest in this memo things. It is a pretty dumb article IMO….among the countless logical and misunderstandings of research-

60 something posts? Weak.

That's cool. I'll try death metal when she's older. For the time being she seems to have settled on Blink-182 as being feminine enough for her tastes.

It's worth a lot actually. The ironic thing is that I'd never characterize myself as a feminist. In fact, I'm a fairly blue collar, technically a Republican, foul-mouthed, part-time idiot. But above all those things, I'm a father to a daughter.

High-five. And thanks…it's late and been there already. We both get 10/10 in internet civility. I need it after reading his memo. lol

LOL. Exactly. It's just poor form. Hope you join the union though…I've seen worse happen to teachers for far, far less than this.

lol. I wish I had that self control sometimes on the internet…but, fuck, work? Hahaha. Guy must have been feeling super important. Especially since, I assume, they know who the guy is…

No, his argument is logically flimsy. It's just rife with assumptions that you have to accept to buy into his facts….the whole thing is an opinion piece…I'm not entirely clear where you're getting the feeling that anything he's stating is objective in any way…..I feel like I could go point by point and actually

Well, I agree with your opinion personally. I'd feel a manager is being a bad manager if there isn't a legitimate (e.g. safe and consistent) way for employees to share their thoughts and feelings about company practices and culture. It's important and I don't want to demean that necessity.

Fair enough. What's your experience running a business or managing large groups of employees, though?

I'm sorry you don't understand the different between giving an opinion and having an opinion be taken seriously. I think it's a pretty simple concept, personally.

Again, largely depends on Google's policies on this kind of thing. I'd never have tolerated it from any of my staff. There are usually proper channels to give opinions on changes to policy and if it was some peer-to-peer thing, I'd not have allowed it because it is divisive, unprofessional, and, frankly, childish.

Umm. Didn't say you needed experience to communicate an opinion. You need experience to communicate an opinion that should be taken seriously is the point. His "argument" is flimsy at best. It's the opening salvo to a debate, I suppose.

Also, I have a million posts on this thread, but here's one more. This whole story riled me up and made me really wish we didn't have the internet. I don't give a fuck what some uninformed dude's opinion is- and I doubt his colleagues do either. It was nice when I only had to hear the opinions of people who were

He's a tech guy…and as far as I'm concerned not at all qualified to speak on the issues he's talking about. I won't write a manifesto on AI and expect to be taken seriously despite maybe having a few good points (my belief being AI would just immediately be bored with us and fly into space and that would be that…I

Yeah, but his "assumption" is flat out wrong…for the reasons you stated. I'd be mad if shit like this was floating around my office no matter the content or ideological bent. It's a fucking workplace and a job. I don't give a fuck that it's Google.

You know what kills me the most…..wtf does some programmer guy think he's qualified to start talking about sociological issues. The dude should shut the fuck up and do his job. He has a problem with it and truly feels discriminated against then there is a process for that. If he's not sure of the process maybe he can

I think you're grossly over-estimating the validity of the article you linked to.