
It's a matter of significance- not purity. Social factors are far more significant than any biological fact. I believe this has been proven and is certainly still a scientific argument.

It all matters. I just listed several leverage points which would absolutely address women being under represented in STEM jobs. You've given us nothing except that little girls like dolls and something-something hormones. Your hormone example is that they influence behavior and thinking…..cool. So does everything

The desire to do the jobs is documented as being social. So is the ability to do the jobs (for those who choose them). This is why I'm totally confused as to why the biological difference even matters aside from some esoteric medical or therapeutic (e.g. relationship counseling) interest.

I believe you left out a "should". All groups "should" be equal. No one would state they actually are. If you don't believe that all groups should be equal under the law or equity then we can have a different conversation.

My question when I read this kind of thing….not that it isn't without SOME merit….but exactly how and when are white men being treated simply "as a member of their tribe" and getting some negative outcome? Because someone said something mean to them at the water cooler?
It isn't:

Link? Don't just tease that shit….

HAHA That's my favorite example to show millennials how much the world has changed. Like, that was considered AWESOME at the time…

#MABUNA. It has a ring to it.

You get an upvote for nerdiest comment I've read today. Then, I actually Googled that shit and found out that there's some ST wiki that linked me to "massages" (lots of masseuses on Risa, it seems) and detailed the views of all the ST races and their views on the cultural practice of massages. THAT is the nerdiest

The word you are looking for is "Klingons". Women are emotional, angry, and clingy. Well, it describes a few ex's anyway. lol.

I just want to throw out a couple facts for you to consider if you're really interested in considering the stuff you're saying.

Well, I'll agree with you that people should know when they aren't an expert on something….but that doesn't meant their approach is worthless nor does it mean that you (or anyone) knows EVERYTHING about a topic as well.

I still don't get it. I'm reading the comments against you as "it doesn't fucking matter because people still have the same ability" - which you just agreed with.

I'm sorry…not to be a total dick, but you did just say, "I am shaming denialism and a lack of scientific literacy" and then in your next post, "I am not trying to shame them."……

I prefer the term "sexual positioning"

This is also the dumbest of all arguments that, IMO, only dumb people think are worth debating: Nature vs. nurture. That's it.

Check out the new CSTA standards for K-12 Computer science. Part of the issue is exactly what you're describing. Saying "engineers" or "programers" is like saying "scientist" and imagining all sciences require the same personality type. They don't. Design is just as important as anything these days…..the "genders

Yup. Jut randomly picking you to respond to, but everyone here is missing the main variable to the argument which is that jobs are social constructs. Tasks are a different thing all together. Lots of jobs have lots of different tasks. I manage four programers. The one with Aspergers is the "best" at a lot of tasks,

Please don't tell me what I am or am not.

Well, in true AV fashion- it can be two things.