
11 comments? Hahaha

Am i always pending? Test.

Really? Alternative history? He should start helping us develop an alternative history now….christ knows 7 months apparently feels like a lifetime.

I was referring to the reinventing government movement of the 1990s…when actual experts, professionals, and academics where concerned with this issue from a bureaucratic perspective.

It's hands down the best Punisher movie. I get that Bernthal seems like a good Punisher, but the Tom Jane movie was the best. Also, isn't that one technically in the MCU?

His economic populism was a ruse for being anti-globalization. What realistic "america first" economic policies was he advocating for? Keeping old industries?

Then he had to get his stomach pumped?

Everyone here is missing the point. A successful business must be innovative and proactive. A government should also be those things, but it is much harder to do. A balance must be struck.

Part of the problem is the old "government should be run like a business" idea that goes back until at least the early 1990s. It also rears it's ugly head in education reform.

Bannon is just a creepy old guy, IMO. Gorka and Miller are far more "actual nazis".

Haha. I'm too old for internet jargon sometimes.

Please don't throw around shit like "sharia law" and still claim to be progressive.

What is a PITA troll? It sounds vaguely racist.

No, people don't love to argue at all. People hate it. You're wrong.

Well, to be fair, you have to consider precedent…You can't just throw an elected official out because they are stupid. We aren't parliamentary.

Is it bad that I read SS in the historical context? Like, I literally read "bald SS agent" and thought you were writing about Stephen Miller.

Also, this was the day before yesterday. So, yeah, that guy got blue in the face defending Trump from a black man's perspective. Then they had him on last night after Trump's classic presser and the poor sap seemed more world weary than anyone I've seen in a loooong time.

It's not usually nearly that bad. The problem this last week has been having all the black people on and having a white host too scared to jump in and referee. Don Lemon does a much better job.

He sort of comes across as being miserable. Especially last night. It wasn't fair, it was an all black panel and he was the only Repub. They barely stopped short of calling him an Uncle Tom. He couldn't even say two sentences without them yelling at him and then when he did say something it was literally nonsensical